Fed up!! Make yourselves heard! (Snapchat)


New member
Oct 25, 2012

So, a lot of us are pissed off about snapchat threatening to shutdown 6Snap.

Can we flood twitter, can we get a trending topic on this? CAN WE GET THEIR ATTENTION?

Or.... Are you ALL going to boohoo and do nothing about it? If we do nothing, then no wonder they don't give a **** because would rather just whine on a forum instead of making themselves heard.


https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=snapchat windows&src=typd
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And this is NOT about snapchat, it's about showing everyone that we matter and deserved to be paid attention to
also don't stop using 6snap! as long as there's no official Snapchat app for WP, it's ridiculous cutting all users!
Your use of twitter, promotes twitter.

Guess what the world uses to see what's "happening"... Twitter.

We will tweet, we will be heard. Seems like all people would like to do is whine or yell at Joe Belforie ... well guess what... Joe can't do **** if the users don't make themselves heard.

WE HAVE THE POWER - not on anyone else. If you friggin want something, get out there and MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. Stop whining on this forum.

TWEET! #SnapchatOnWP

The ramifications of this campaign could transcend well beyond Snapchat app.

I also agree - Keep using 6snap until we get a response
Your use of twitter, promotes twitter.

Using your explaination, I guess if I email them through gmail, I'm promoting gmail. Calling on the phone promotes mobile phones.

Twitter is a social media tool. I had better luck getting responses from companies than through email. The least they can do is read it and just take note. We're not expecting the world to change over night, just to let them know that we want an app. The worse possible outcome is you wasted 20 seconds writing one tweet saying what you want.
I do not use Snapchat but since we have very good client in 6Snap, i would say show support for the app & creator if they do not want to create one themselves.
I do not use Snapchat but since we have very good client in 6Snap, i would say show support for the app & creator if they do not want to create one themselves.

How can we do that if they threaten to ban accounts using 6snap?

They either need to crown 6snap the official snapchat for windows or make their own
When you protest reference the 6Snap and as a community that is who we support instead of just crying about the overall ban.
Guess what the world uses to see what's "happening"... Twitter.

We will tweet, we will be heard. Seems like all people would like to do is whine or yell at Joe Belforie ... well guess what... Joe can't do **** if the users don't make themselves heard.

WE HAVE THE POWER - not on anyone else. If you friggin want something, get out there and MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. Stop whining on this forum.

TWEET! #SnapchatOnWP

The ramifications of this campaign could transcend well beyond Snapchat app.

I also agree - Keep using 6snap until we get a response

Yes we can we are Windows phone user we can do it !!! We are the are the new cult :smile:
I'l jump on them over on twitter if I can borrow some support........I'm over 500 views and not 1 re tweet or anyone who tweeted their own idea....It would seem Windows Phone users like to gripe and moan and spend time on Windows Central posting " I Want this or that", but will not tell Microsoft or who ever that they want it.
A Microsoft Based Watch

Yes you're exactly right. All talk, but no substance... That's windows phone users....
What's your twitter, I'll retweet

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