Well Nokia didn't do well with Windows Phone so isn't this obvious that they choose Android this time.
If they they won't succeed with Android then they might go with Sailfish or Mozilla.
I'm not sure why you're raising this. Nokia have announced a Tablet, not a phone. They're not producing phones now, or at any point in the near future.
Why is this in General Microsoft discussion? This has absolutely nothing to do with Microsoft or Windows Phones.
The remnants of Nokia, sold out their brand to a Chinese company to make another Android tablet to throw on the heap of Android tablets that exist out there that aren't selling in any great degree. End of story.
Well Nokia didn't do well with Windows Phone so isn't this obvious that they choose Android this time.
If they they won't succeed with Android then they might go with Sailfish or Mozilla.
What's the bother?
I am happy as long as Nokia is in business.
Chill.. The Nokia name was given to a Chinese company for branding.. This tablet is NOT made by Nokia.. I guess if Nokia give their branding to cheap companies it will degrade their brands value..
sad its more of a betrayal imho
they could have easily released the tablet with windows 8.1 pro or atleast offered a variant or gone with ubuntu touch or firefox os or something
by going android,itll cause a confusion in the market with two different nokias(even if one is rebranded as MS)
What planet are you Living on DMC? Nokia's Mobile phone side was bought by Microsoft because there was more Nokia Windowsphone's that were popular. I don't care if this Tablet was Manufactured by Foxxconn (Who makes Xbox's for Microsoft). It is an Android Tablet with the Nokia's name on it. Ballmer should have ran a hostile Take over of Nokia as a whole. I mean I would have loved hearing, Nokia a Microsoft Company. We all know Nokia share holders wanted to go Android but could not, so they sold the device division so they could get that. Microsoft should have hostilely took over Nokia so this would have been prevented. Microsoft could have sold off the cellphone tower division to Ericcson or Motorola solutions. This move to Android could have been prevented by Microsoft fully taking Nokia over. I mean back in the day Microsoft was routhless now they let other companies walk all over them.
We are going to see the untimely death of a great software company and Larry Page and Sergei Brin are going to cheer Microsoft's down fall. And it is all because Satya allowed Nokia to Make a google based Android tablet.
LOL, then M$ should have shelled out for exclusive NOKIA licensing rights. LOL. Give it to M$.
All of you saying this tablet has Nokia's name, and nothing more are wrong. Nokia designed this tablet, Nokia wrote the software, and Foxconn built it. It's the same thing Apple is doing. Would you say that the iPad is not an Apple tablet?
Nokia N1: How Much Is Really Nokia? Part Two | Mike Cane?s xBlog
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