Rumor: Lumia 940, Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile:


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Jun 23, 2014
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Small problem, if this phone is all spected out in January but is not being put out until Aug or Sept there is a pretty good possibility it will be out of date (compared to other releases by other OEM's)before its released. And if the 830 and 735 are any indications most of the markets will not get the phone until December. Don't know if this is good news or not. And if it does happen; please don't leave out a SD card slot. Will they ever learn.Or maybe I should be saying will WE never learn.

The 930 is certainly not out of date. I'm typing this on my 930 actually. When they announced the iPhone 6, I looked at the specs and they are somewhat on par with my old Lumia 925 which I well over a year old. My 930 beats the iPhone 6 in almost every category, and it came out before the 6.

If phones like the iPhone 6 are anything to go by in regards to the competition, the Lumia 940 has nothing to worry about. In fact, Apple will probably take a long time to release anything beyond the 6's by the time the 940 comes out and thus, the 940 will further increase the gap.


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Dec 31, 2012
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IBT post 50% junk articles. That aside, their post is a mix of stuff they've read elsewhere so may not all be too far from true.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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I simply don't buy this. The 805 is a year-old SoC, though releasing underpowered/outdated SoCs into flagships has kind of been the go-to move for Windows Phone since it launched. Gorilla Glass 4 seems unusual, just because it's not an officially released product. Finally, the 1/21 announcement would seem really weird if this isn't a spring release, because making people wait 6-10 months would be a killer to any hype. Plus, anything after spring, and the 810 is into the competing devices and probably killing it on battery life AND performance, thanks to the big.LITTLE architecture inside.


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Sep 12, 2012
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I'm hoping that the 940 comes with an SD card. I am SO tired of my carrier adding 100 dollars for a higher storage device. Yes, they don't do that just with iPhones here. That will ultimately suck.

I say, go for the storage options but add an SD card slot. All I need is 32GBs inside the phone and a 128GB sd card for my music. I'm still not sure whether to upgrade or not because my 1520 is still doing the job excellently but I'm glad a flagship is on its way.


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Sep 12, 2012
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I simply don't buy this. The 805 is a year-old SoC, though releasing underpowered/outdated SoCs into flagships has kind of been the go-to move for Windows Phone since it launched. Gorilla Glass 4 seems unusual, just because it's not an officially released product. Finally, the 1/21 announcement would seem really weird if this isn't a spring release, because making people wait 6-10 months would be a killer to any hype. Plus, anything after spring, and the 810 is into the competing devices and probably killing it on battery life AND performance, thanks to the big.LITTLE architecture inside.

Hmm.. That was my first impression but then again this is just rumored. Specs are still subject to change. We also couldn't really prove the existence of the device. The name is probably inevitable but these specs can more or less change within the next few days. Maybe in the announcement they'd announce the phone to have the SD810 instead of the rumored 805.

But still, I'm skeptical since Windows 10 is still far away from today. I'm betting on the announcement of Win10 for Phones Dev Preview on the 21st that'll come in April (like 8.1 preview), then probably announce a flagship in May or June that will be released sometime in July or August to coincide with the Win10 release

But in my mind I want them to announce a flagship on the 21st then bump the release of Win10 to June but of course that will happen just in my mind. :evil: Either way, I'm excited about MS' announcement on the 21st.


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Oct 29, 2012
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That's the beauty of flagships. they are still a good performer a long time after its out.

I don't mind the SD805. Its new and not a lot of devices actually use it (it was really only utilized in Q4 2014 so its actually maybe 4 months old, not even a year). But qualcomm doesn't really have anything for this year atm other than the Snapdragon 808, and the 810 (and some lower end 64bit chips but we don't care about those in a flagship). With that said there has been rumors of the SD810 overheating and needs to be tweaked a bit more to get some of the thermal stuff down to more acceptable levels, which if true means it could be delayed until the second half of the year. we wont know until the LG GFlex 2 is released or delayed since it will be the first SD810 equipped device.

The SD800 vs SD801 debate was really the fact that those are the same processors but one is pretty much an overclocked version of the other (same graphics and CPU but clocked higher on on). So you didn't miss anything having one or the other since the main differentiating factor between the two was clock speed.
the SD805 on the otherhand has newer more powerful hardware so the differences go beyond just clock speed.


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Oct 15, 2014
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I'm sure the 1330 would be announced since we've seen pics of it,not the rumored device 940,but would love for great device such as the 940


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Oct 15, 2014
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Why do a 940 when the 930 just came out? To soon for a follow up.. If anything the next one will be a 1030 as that's due for a follow up

While i agree with you that a follow up to 940 is kinda fast and the Lumia 1030 is overdue,i think the rumored 940 is perfect flagship to grab sales in contrast to the 1030, which is niche device


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Jun 23, 2014
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Why do a 940 when the 930 just came out? To soon for a follow up.. If anything the next one will be a 1030 as that's due for a follow up

Perhaps the 1030 will be coming out before the 940.... Or will they just jump ahead and simply call it a 1040??

Windows Central did release some "assumed" renders of the so-called 1030 not that long ago, which if they were true, then it would probably be a lot further ahead in development than a 940.

The rabbit hole of rumours and speculation only gets deeper. ;)


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Dec 31, 2012
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Why do a 940 when the 930 just came out? To soon for a follow up.. If anything the next one will be a 1030 as that's due for a follow up

The main reason is that you can't buy a 930 in the USA. Sell a no compromise 940 on at&t and I'd be interested. Mind you, a 1030 would also have my interest too.

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