Android UltraTablet...powered by Surface & Windows 8????


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Came across this on another Windows site. Looks like 3 ex-Google senior engineers have decided to "borrow" the design of Surface, and then install a cuztomized version of Android that looks like....Windows 8!?

The hardware, UltraTablet: Ultra Tablet

1) 2-angle kickstand, made from "aluminum alloy".
2) Magnetized "click-in" style keyboard cover -- did MSFT license this? The design is identical.
3) Same screen aspect ratio as Surface 1 & 2.
4) Extremely similar design.



The software, RemixOS: Remix OS

1) Mail app is identical to the Windows mail app, even the blue color scheme.
2) Settins app has the same layout & colors.
3) I see "tile" icons
4) A "Desktop" & "Taskbar", complete with the ability to "pin".

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A cross between Surface hardware, MSFT software and Lollipop....hey at least this confirms what MSFT has been saying. If you want a productivity tablet you need to be able to use peripherals....also imitation is the best form of flattery...
Now that Android has done it, watch people come out of the woodwork and gush about how awesome this interface is. I'll just LOL.
I remember a report on Windows Central about how Microsoft won multiple patents for the click in keyboard technology and the design of the type cover, so there's no chance in hell this thing is going to be sold in the US.
40 to 80 degrees? such a failure, Surface Pro 3 could do 150 degrees open.
such stupid ex-google team, i hope Microsoft could sue the hell out of them. Make this news BIG, publish this news worldwide, tell the world google copied Surface Pro 3 and Windows 8.1, it is a free advertising!
Yeah I remember seeing this and was thinking to myself "Is this thing real??". It's just about an EXACT copy of the Surface 2 from the OS to the hardware. I've often wondered if people who make things like this really think that they will be able to bring it to market without being sued.
40 to 80 degrees? such a failure, Surface Pro 3 could do 150 degrees open.
such stupid ex-google team, i hope Microsoft could sue the hell out of them. Make this news BIG, publish this news worldwide, tell the world google copied Surface Pro 3 and Windows 8.1, it is a free advertising!

Um.... Surface Pro 2 had a very similar limitation. Is Microsoft stupid?

Plus, your argument to publicize this is rather silly. What about the countries that would allow this thing to go on sale because they don't respect copyright? I mean, you're right, it would be free advertising... For the ultratablet
Um.... Surface Pro 2 had a very similar limitation. Is Microsoft stupid?

Plus, your argument to publicize this is rather silly. What about the countries that would allow this thing to go on sale because they don't respect copyright? I mean, you're right, it would be free advertising... For the ultratablet

opps, forgot about the old Surface, and in China, i think everyone would be like "meh".
Yeah I remember seeing this and was thinking to myself "Is this thing real??". It's just about an EXACT copy of the Surface 2 from the OS to the hardware. I've often wondered if people who make things like this really think that they will be able to bring it to market without being sued.

opps, forgot about the old Surface, and in China, i think everyone would be like "meh".

This article makes it seem comparable to the chinese copy variant to the BMW X5 and how BMW tried to sue the chinese copy version, only to have BMW lost because it does NOT look like the BMW X5. So I am also oh so curious as to how this is going to work out in the real world.

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