Nokia tablet With Windows 8

None of the Windows 8 tablets are going to launch before Windows 8 is released, currently forecast for this autumn. (northern hemisphere autumn, that is. ;) ).
It would be nice to see what Nokia can bring to the table with tablets. It has to be more beautiful then the "New iPad" and at the same time allow Nokia to at least eek a profit per unit.
If Nokia makes a tablet just shut up and take my money already! Will pick one up in a heart beat.
A 768x768 browser as been spotted. Sounds like a tablet to me:
Windows Phone 8 Caught Running On "Nokia Fluid" |

A square tablet? I hope not!

Worst tablet EVER. :lol::lol:

I think you can pretty much guarantee the 768x768 is a ruse. They are testing that width perhaps, but the phone or tablet or whatever they are making is going to be 1280x768.

I would be very surprised if Nokia made a tablet anytime soon. Tablets that aren't iPads are virtually impossible to sell these days. You can't give an Android tablet away and Android is quite popular.

I'd love a Nokia tablet too....but it would make much more business sense for Nokia to focus 100% on getting smartphones out right now. With the stock price and market share situation they have, it's not the best time to delve into the minefield of the tablet market right now.

Maybe in a year or two, once Win 8 and Win RT (hopefully with a different name by then) have been launched for a while and Nokia's fortunes are more certain.
Win8 is optimized for non square screens, would be surprised to see a squared screen one, especially from Nokia.

I hope Nokia will think about developers and release a tablet for the Win8 RC (early june), so far not much to play with ... :/
Does anyone know if the Nokia tablet will be able to recieve texts and calls from your phone, a bit like the Touchpad and Pre 3 does

HP Touch To Share Demo and Walkthrough - YouTube

I have a touchpad that dual boots webOS and Android, but with webOS (though i really like it's UI) is dead/dying (see what happens with openwebOS1.0 in Sep) and Android still being clunky (even in 4.0.4 ICS) i was thinking of switching EVERYTHING over to WP.

I have a windows based PC and Laptop, Xbox 360 and maybe a new Windows Phone and Tablet...

If it did support anything like above then i would be definietly buying!
Acer just showed off a 23 and 27 inch tablet Sony has a 23 coming out all running win8. we are going to start to see where tablets being in the large size coming out running a full blown win8 OS,all three can be used with or without a stand. So many tablets will be coming out this fall. If Nokia can keep the same design form as the 800-900 and color options at around 10" inch they would have a good chance of capturing the lower scale size market.
Acer just showed off a 23 and 27 inch tablet Sony has a 23 coming out all running win8. we are going to start to see where tablets being in the large size coming out running a full blown win8 OS,all three can be used with or without a stand. So many tablets will be coming out this fall. If Nokia can keep the same design form as the 800-900 and color options at around 10" inch they would have a good chance of capturing the lower scale size market.

Wow. what would be the point. At 23 - 27 inches your really not all that protable anymore, which is the whole point of a tablet. Might as well start calling it a Windows 8 TV.
No really because it's light, anywhere you are you have a full screen setup on a full OS.
I would really like a transformer type of tablet/laptop but I'm waiting to see what Nokia comes out with before I make any final decisions.
No really because it's light, anywhere you are you have a full screen setup on a full OS.

How light? I would think you would need a huge battery (which obviously weights quite a bit) to power such a giant screen. Plus, it probably wouldn't fit in your standard laptop bag/backpack/carrying case since most laptops max out at around 17".

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