Microsoft rumored to be announcing a MS branded tab on Monday


New member
Jul 19, 2011
According to several news outlets MS may be announcing a MS branded tablet Monday (Microsoft to take on Apple with own Windows 8 tablet? | Business Tech - CNET News). What would they call it? Do you think it will be more Kindle Fire/B&N Nook Tab or more iPad? My hope is for something my Fire/Nook price ($300 or less) with more iPad like specs. Something like the ASUS Memo (7", Tegra 3, $250) wouldn't be bad I'm not too picky on screen size as I see the advantages of both 7" and 10" form factors and I like both. As far as a name, if they can get game developers on board for some truly great games (another argument for a Tegra 3 as they already have relationships there, though on Android), an XBox cross brand could lead to A LOT of sales. Maybe call it XPad or XTab and take styling cues from current Xbox models and slap Windows RT on it, maybe enable it to connect to Xbox controllers for when you want to do some serious gaming (vs. casual on the go) and I think they'd have a real winner on their hands.
As much as I would love to see a MS branded tablet, I just don't think it's going to happen for the same reason they can't buy a hardware company like Nokia - they will alienate all other OEMs.
It's all about the Benjamins. As a similar article on Business week pointed out, MS charges OEMs $80-$85 for Windows and Office. That's a big chunk of change that an OEM has to eat and then price it competitively. Not an easy task. I believe MS will partner up with HP to build the hardware on the down-low much like HTC used to build Treos for Palm. HP's build quality has always been good and their designs are classy and would fit right in an executive boardroom. Besides, HP needs some business and they need to get back to consumer-oriented manufacturing.
I only think Microsoft would go HP if it were an x86 tablet. If it is an ARM tablet, it will be Nokia or Samsung.
You don't think HP has a few 9.7" screens laying around? Gee, I wonder.

I'm sure they have the parts. I just don't think Microsoft would want them as a partner for an ARM device. HP's recent track record with those devices is horrible. Microsoft will want a partner with a proven track record for the types of devices it wants to sell so it would pick Nokia (maker of beautiful, solid hardware) or Samsung (maker of the second most popular tablet line and Windows 8 preview launch partner). Not Hp, maker of the most famous tablet flop ever. The only reason that so many people know the name TouchPad is because it was such a spectacular failure that HP killed it after 30 days and clearenced them out below cost to free up the warehouse space. Not exactly a shining r?sum? when you are trying to convince someone to let you build their tablet.
I'm sure they have the parts. I just don't think Microsoft would want them as a partner for an ARM device. HP's recent track record with those devices is horrible. Microsoft will want a partner with a proven track record for the types of devices it wants to sell so it would pick Nokia (maker of beautiful, solid hardware) or Samsung (maker of the second most popular tablet line and Windows 8 preview launch partner). Not Hp, maker of the most famous tablet flop ever. The only reason that so many people know the name TouchPad is because it was such a spectacular failure that HP killed it after 30 days and clearenced them out below cost to free up the warehouse space. Not exactly a shining r?sum? when you are trying to convince someone to let you build their tablet.

Don't get me wrong, I love webOS, but you forgot to mention the less that stellar hardware on the TouchPad. Mine is at HP getting repaired/replaced for that crack around the speaker problem. Meanwhile, my wife is selling hers on eBay in order to get a Kindle Fire. I still don't believe how badly HP handled webOS.
Don't get me wrong, I love webOS, but you forgot to mention the less that stellar hardware on the TouchPad. Mine is at HP getting repaired/replaced for that crack around the speaker problem. Meanwhile, my wife is selling hers on eBay in order to get a Kindle Fire. I still don't believe how badly HP handled webOS.

Having never owned a touchpad I didn't realize they were that problem prone, but that just strengthens my point. Microsoft has no motivation to pick HP as the partner. Samsung is the only other company to have an even moderately successful tablet line and even made an x86 tablet that didn't completely suck (the series 9 slate). Samsung makes the most sense as a hardware partner. Don't take me as a fan boi either, I absolutely hate Samsung mobile devices, but they are the ones who have had success. I could see Nokia due to the wp7 partnership, or Barnes and Noble's due to the fairly recent nook partnership that was signed. HP makes no sense at all. So what if they have millions of 9.7" crappy touch screens lying around. That's not Microsoft's problem.
I think other OEMs dropped the ball in terms of WP7 handsets so I'm all for MS going ahead with their own tablet. If the hardware is as good and stylish as the Zune HD was then it could be a winner.

The sad thing is that the media is already putting it in direct competition with the ipad when it hasn't even come out yet. It's sad to see so many subjective writers out there basing their stories on their love of their ipads.
Can't see it because of channel conflict issues - licensing an OS and making it yourself has always resulted in failure in mobile tech.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
I think other OEMs dropped the ball in terms of WP7 handsets so I'm all for MS going ahead with their own tablet. If the hardware is as good and stylish as the Zune HD was then it could be a winner.

The sad thing is that the media is already putting it in direct competition with the ipad when it hasn't even come out yet. It's sad to see so many subjective writers out there basing their stories on their love of their ipads.

If they aren't aiming at the ipad, then what? I have no problem with a product being compared to the market leader, whatever the product is.
I'd like to see a 10.1" tablet running full Windows 8 and that will put the brakes on for me buying another iPad.
Can't see it because of channel conflict issues - licensing an OS and making it yourself has always resulted in failure in mobile tech.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
Yes and no. I'm going to reserve my discussion to the pre-iPhone days. Palm was doing okay for themselves while licensing Palm OS to Sony (Clio) and Kyocera while shipping tons of Treos & Centros to all carriers and selling very well. But as I said, this was before the iPhone, G1 and the capacitive invasion.
The biggest downside is even if they do release a tablet you won't be able to get one for 4 months. Take a page from Apple and release the day you say it exsits.
The biggest downside is even if they do release a tablet you won't be able to get one for 4 months. Take a page from Apple and release the day you say it exsits.

There is a possibility that their in house tab will be available earlier than other manufacturers.
Yeah but it still won't be available before W8's released in October. Instant availability would indeed be a better strategy.

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1. It's a developer device. Windows RT, release in the next month or so. It's being made in order to stimulate app development on the run up to W8's release.

2. It's an Xbox branded tablet focussed on multimedia. The OS is Windows RT with a custom skin modelled after the Xbox 360 dashboard. Office isn't installed (to help differentiate this tablet from Windows RT offerings from 3rd parties). The focus is on multimedia; Xbox Live Games, Xbox Music/Video and books (Barnes and Noble?). Possibly limited access to the Windows App Store?

3. It's a full Windows (RT, 8 or both) tablet and Microsoft are trying to go all Nexus on their hardware partners. No exclusive features, they're just releasing it to try and set the price and spec for the market without having to impose strict WP7-style hardware constraints (which, let's be honest, have been an utter disaster).

Number 2 is the possibility I find the most interesting to be honest. If they could get the tablet connected to the Xbox like a controller (as opposed to over WiFi) then even better!
Windows 8 is expected to RTM by the end of July so it is possible that they will RTM in mid July and release their tablet when they RTM.
Windows 8 is expected to RTM by the end of July so it is possible that they will RTM in mid July and release their tablet when they RTM.

Good point. When Microsoft Releases windows 8 to OEMs. Microsoft has to wait for them. While Microsoft makes it own tablet. They can get a head start while have to wait for the OEM release. So I think windows 8 will be released very early.
I think it will come earlier than later. The trend with Windows 8 has been for Microsoft to tell us the worst case timeline and deliver early. I think we will see a late summer or early fall release. It would greatly benefit Microsoft to get it out on machines in mid August for back to school

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