The new Windows Surface dethrones all other tablets


New member
Oct 7, 2011
I'm due for a new PC, and I really think the Windows 8 tablet will be right for me. Coming from iOS, I can tell you that no other tablet has an actual operating system on it, that perfectly unifies your digital life.

Things l like about the slate:

? Has a real operating system, much like Windows 7 on top of a touch ecosystem
? Has all the essentials, Word, Office, Flash, so productivity is same and better
? No nonsense form factor, it has form and function, perfect viewing angle, perfect size, thickness, and it looks really cool
? Already runs the best OS in the world
? Has the fastest IVY bridge chips
? Doesn't get hot
? It's like a real computer
? Best Wi-Fi signal on a tablet
? Inking
? Compatible with the existing operating system
? Connected with powerful gaming console, so you get real games on this tablet
? Able to run applications and apps
? Godlike Multitasking
? USB ports
? HDMI ports
? Revolutionary case with keyboard attachment

This tablet is at the top of my Christmas list. When do preorders go in?
Not their first try, but glad Microsoft finally got this one right. Starting to live the Bill Gates vision. Can't wait.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
Availability, including pre-orders has not been announced yet. Make sure you order the Surface for Windows 8 Pro when you order. The Surface for Windows RT is not compatible with current windows programs and that sounds like it is important to you
Gaming on this will probably be really cool, not only do you have the app store, but you have blockbuster games you can play on this too. Like HALO 4, right?

This is delicious..
I'm wondering if it can handle SWTOR?

Anyhow, as a spare time dev, it will be nice to be able to code on the device

You could code on the TouchPad, but I think this is a whole other ball game.
Any game that has been released for the PC or is released for the PC should Run on this. Depending on what they do as far as graphics card, you probably won't be able to run it at max settings, but games will certainly be playable.
What's the deal with the stylus and inking on this? Has anyone used the tech in other devices?

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I have a Tablet PC, a Touchsmart Tm2 and inking is awesome. The Surface Pro seems to have higher resolution input, and there's almost no space between the screen and the pen, so I expect it to be even better than my tablet.

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Does it mean you could manually annotate pdfs for example?

Sent from my Lumia 710 using Board Express
Does it mean you could manually annotate pdfs for example?

Sent from my Lumia 710 using Board Express

Yes, that's the idea behind it and what was presented on stage yesterday.

That's my one and only reason for going Pro! :D
It's hilarious to see how tech sites are leaving out the best details about these tablets and nitpicking over minor things like the name. You know when that happens they are worried that it might actually be a good tablet.
It's hilarious to see how tech sites are leaving out the best details about these tablets and nitpicking over minor things like the name. You know when that happens they are worried that it might actually be a good tablet.

or the resolution and price.
No Retina display? POS

Windows 8 is a POS (even though I haven't used it)

Intel CPU? Enjoy your oven. LOLZ!!

Where are the widgets?

Well, my BrandX Android tablet has 1To of RAM and a liquid nitrogen deca-core. Surface is so 2011.

They just copied Apple.

Metro is ugly and looks like Win ME.

Where are the apps?

Enjoy your BSOD machine.

No mention of price, release date, battery life, RAM, CPU...

etc... :P

And this one's the stupidest IMO: people will get confused by the name "surface" because it was used on another MS product before? Really? Do you really think the average consumer has ever heard of the smart table? Have you google the name "Surface" recently?
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Yes, that's the idea behind it and what was presented on stage yesterday.

That's my one and only reason for going Pro! :D

Yeah I'm looking at it right now. I'm sold. I'll be buying one for my wife and one for me for Christmas.
Like meeting a new person for the first time, The new Windows Surface with Windows 8 will take several months for the public to warm up to it.

Releasing the device prices and availibility is not yet part of their plans. But you can assume that this device will be on top of every Christmas list this year. After the massive, massive hype is built, they are going to shift it into full gear. Microsoft will not let this one slip.

This is a no-nonsense device, it's built better than a ferrarri. It runs faster than a cheetah. It looks better than bottomless pools of clear blue water. It sounds better than full stereo in an IMAX theatre. It's the perfect companion to your XBOX 360, your HDTV, your laptop, any smartphone. It can be your all. It's a BEAST. Targeted towards younger users as well as corporate and business users. Windows still has 90% marketshare. That's 90% of the market that's going to have additional interest in the device. Microsoft has recruits to usher this device into the future.

Apple, on the other hand does what it does best, mobile. Let's get this straight. This is a Tablet PC, that runs Windows Operating System. This is not an Apple iPad. The iPad has been on the market long enough to where it has become a household name. But even that has not enticed tech enthusiast to cash in on an iPad. We've continued to wait, and now it is here. The true beginning of the post PC age.

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