Negative Reaction to MS Once Again


New member
Feb 21, 2012
i was extremely satisfied with Microsoft's announcement yesterday and for the first time am seriously considering getting a tablet. I figured the models that were shown would have been received positively by the tech media and mainstream media in general but I was proven wrong.

I don't want to link to the 'usual suspects' but certain sites that have always held a certain pro-Apple bias are once again coming out with editorials and heavily opinionated pieces about how there are flaws with the Surface tablets, and how they won't even dent the ipad's throne in a small way.

Not to mention the Apple fans bringing up app counts again, and Android fans foaming at the mouth with their usual tech spec nonsense.

It's just disappointing to read reactions towards WP7 and Windows 8 related things usually contain some kind of mocking tone, or have extreme pessimism. Even all of these so called 'analysts' are already killing the hype for the tablet before it has even come out.
it's not that anybody originally wanted an iPad. We just kept getting it pushed onto us until we had to give in. To this day the iPad is not a strong competitor to real computing. It's a lovely picture frame.

It's time for people to wake up.
it's not that anybody originally wanted an iPad. We just kept getting it pushed onto us until we had to give in. To this day the iPad is not a strong competitor to real computing. It's a lovely picture frame.

It's time for people to wake up.

Pushed onto us? Who forced us to buy iPads?

I do agree though that the iPad isn't a replacement for a desktop computer or a laptop.

I actually bought the first generation iPad because I thought it was cool, but to be honest, I don't use it as much as I thought it would. I think it's a great for media consumption and some light web browsing, but other than that, I don't really have much use for it. It still feels like a mobile OS, it gives me the feeling that I can't accomplish as much as I would be able to on a desktop computer.

So really, I'm not quite sure why people buy tablets.
Too bad Microsoft couldn't shut down every Windows device (servers, pcs, etc.) in the world, for say 24 hours. Just so we could all appreciate them a bit. No power, water. Not much of anything. Then again, there would probably be a population explosion in about nine months. Never mind.

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Where are you seeing negative reaction? I've mostly seen positive things about the new tablets.

Bionic'd from my tapatalk.
Where are you seeing negative reaction? I've mostly seen positive things about the new tablets.

Bionic'd from my tapatalk.

Myself as well. A few Apple addicts on Facebook seemed to be spouting out, but these are the same people that would purchase a literal brick from Apple if they were instructed too. The only criticism I have noted is that a few key parts of the announcement were missing and no timeline is very BlackBerry-esque, and leaves us all hanging a bit.

But seems to have gone over well.
Engadget went on and on about how consumers would be confused by the differences between the Surface RT and the Surface Pro, and kvetched about the "recycled" name (which happens all the time...Honda Sabre? Dodge Dart?), but had absolutely nothing negative to say about the device itself.
Engadget went on and on about how consumers would be confused by the differences between the Surface RT and the Surface Pro, and kvetched about the "recycled" name (which happens all the time...Honda Sabre? Dodge Dart?), but had absolutely nothing negative to say about the device itself.

Well to be fair they do have a point. It probably will be confusing to a lot of consumers.
Well to be fair they do have a point. It probably will be confusing to a lot of consumers.

I have a suspicion that most people who don't know the difference between x86 and ARM processors probably would end up using the Surface for stuff that Windows RT does anyway--email, web browsing, social networking, word processing, video chatting, casual gaming. Most people who actually need x86 compatibility from a tablet probably know to look for it.

But I could be wrong--that's just a gut feeling I have, not anything I can support with hard evidence.
What's the point in having a Windows RT when everyone is going to want the Pro?

They should market the Pro as the main one, and just forget the RT.

What does RT even stand for?
What's the point in having a Windows RT when everyone is going to want the Pro?

They should market the Pro as the main one, and just forget the RT.

What does RT even stand for?

The RT one will cost around 1/2 the price of the Pro. The Pro will be priced like an ultrabook, the RT like a tablet. Also RTs will have better battery life, most likely, being ARM based.

Also, some people, like me, don't need/want a Pro-level tablet b/c I'm not going to run desktop programs on it; I have a really nice desktop system for that.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
If you're not going to run desktop programs on it, the what are you going to run?

I think RT stands for Runtime..?
i was extremely satisfied with Microsoft's announcement yesterday and for the first time am seriously considering getting a tablet. I figured the models that were shown would have been received positively by the tech media and mainstream media in general but I was proven wrong.

I don't want to link to the 'usual suspects' but certain sites that have always held a certain pro-Apple bias are once again coming out with editorials and heavily opinionated pieces about how there are flaws with the Surface tablets, and how they won't even dent the ipad's throne in a small way.

Not to mention the Apple fans bringing up app counts again, and Android fans foaming at the mouth with their usual tech spec nonsense.

It's just disappointing to read reactions towards WP7 and Windows 8 related things usually contain some kind of mocking tone, or have extreme pessimism. Even all of these so called 'analysts' are already killing the hype for the tablet before it has even come out.

You might have been extremely satisfied, but the presentation was not perfect. So many questions left unanswered. Not to mention one of the devices failed on stage during the presentation. So the guy was holding the tablet back towards the audience so we could not see what was happening. LOL.

They still have a long road ahead of them.
I, like most, have a problem with the interface.


I mean what is that? They had to have had several concepts. Is THIS the best they could come up with?

I, mean, really.
Moderator - what are you even talking about?

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