The New Nook

I noticed the new nook and was so disappointed to see absolutely nothing seeming to come from the "partnership" with Microsoft. Not sure what all the discussion was about when they announced it but apparently WP8/Windows 8 will not have anything to do with nook for the foreseeable future.

The nook looks quite good spec wise and I like the look, but man was it laggy in the video reviews. If they fix it great - but I don't know this close to release if they'll make that big of a difference. As a prime member maybe the Fire HD makes more sense to me, but I am rooting for nook to do well.
Remember, it's primarily an eBook reader. If I want a tablet I'll get an actual tablet.

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My wife had a nook tablet that we recently sold. It was decent, but unless you root it and flash a rom (which makes this particular device buggy) you are stuck in the Barnes and Noble ecosystem. They charge you for apps that are otherwise free in any other Android based device, and it felt slow and laggy. I don't think I would give another nook a chance after that. I bought a nexus 7 for the same price and it is a fully capable android device that is unlockable with access to the Google play store instead of a watered down version of it. Just my. 02

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