Someone please let me know (Win8 upgrade question)


New member
Sep 8, 2011
I have a PC with JUST Win8 RP on it. That's it. No Win7 or any other previous version of Windows anywhere on the hard drive. Now, my question is: how do I upgrade to Win8? I know the $40 upgrade applies to previewers like myself, however I read that in order for that to work you have to have an underlying Win7 or older license (which obviously I don't). Now, I would have no problem with buying the full version of Win8 for the full price and just doing a clean install, but now it's being said that MS will not sell a full version of Win8 so I can do that. I've heard that they'll be selling a "system builder" version but I have no idea what that even is.

Someone help me out.
Upgrade means you have an existing license.

Full version means you don't need an existing license.

Rumor I heard about the system builder license is you get a package deal which can be used on multiple computers - don't have any details.

Until final details on licensing comes out you just have to wait unless you lucky enough to have access to MSDN like me but MSDN is very expensive...
I'd imagine, worst case, you could buy a full version license, download it to possibly a USB dive or may have to burn a DVD of it... Then just install as normal from USB drive or DVD.

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Do you have an old version of Windows Vista laying around? You could use that product key as your upgrade. If not then just download that system builder version. It will probably cost you a bit more than the upgrade.
Do you have an old version of Windows Vista laying around? You could use that product key as your upgrade. If not then just download that system builder version. It will probably cost you a bit more than the upgrade.

This is what I'm doing. I have a copy of XP and a copy of Vista lying around I plan on doing this with.

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