Your most favourite windows 8 device


New member
Mar 24, 2012
Hi guys what is your most favorite tablet. And can't wait to get?

Mine is
1) Microsoft surface
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Probably the Surface RT....

if Asus had a variant of the Infinity 700, with the exact same specs, but with Windows RT, it would be that....
Also going with an Asus, the Vivo tab for my first official W8 device. Next year i'll look into the 4th gen core chip devices.
Hi guys what is your most favorite tablet. And can't wait to get?

Mine is
1) Microsoft surface
The Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2. I think it hits all the right features. I currently have an AcerOne 522 with an AMD APU (aka netbook), so I'm not too bothered by the low-powered Atom processor, but I do like the fact that it can run legacy x86 programs. A basic RAW editor and photo processor are what I'm thinking (so I can develop and share pictures from my real camera while on the go). Also, the low-powered Clover Trails will supposedly have comparable battery lives to the iPad (10 hours of use, 3 weeks of standby). Hard to argue with that. I also like these features:

-digitizer included
-overall size. Honestly I think that anything larger than 10.1" is too big-- my current netbook is 10.1" and I find it to be perfect. And it's less than 10mm thick, also important for a tablet IMO
-fingerprint reader
-the optional dock will serve me well at work
-Office 2013 included

Everyone complains about the lack of pricing, but if you go based on the wpcentral story it will be $799, which to me is reasonable for a just-released device (especially if it includes a full version of Office)

The Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2. I think it hits all the right features. I currently have an AcerOne 522 with an AMD APU (aka netbook), so I'm not too bothered by the low-powered Atom processor, but I do like the fact that it can run legacy x86 programs. A basic RAW editor and photo processor are what I'm thinking (so I can develop and share pictures from my real camera while on the go). Also, the low-powered Clover Trails will supposedly have comparable battery lives to the iPad (10 hours of use, 3 weeks of standby). Hard to argue with that. I also like these features:

-digitizer included
-overall size. Honestly I think that anything larger than 10.1" is too big-- my current netbook is 10.1" and I find it to be perfect. And it's less than 10mm thick, also important for a tablet IMO
-fingerprint reader
-the optional dock will serve me well at work
-Office 2013 included

Everyone complains about the lack of pricing, but if you go based on the wpcentral story it will be $799, which to me is reasonable for a just-released device (especially if it includes a full version of Office)


I would LOVE the Lenovo IdeaPad Tab 2 as well. BUT I think the $799 is too much given that it is an Atom unit. I would gladly give up the Office preinstalled, fingerprint reader, and take $200 off the price of the unit.

BTW the $799 included the dock I thought
I've amended my opinion. I have 4 options that I will be choosing from when I purchase my Windows 8 tablet, and price will be the deciding factor.

Right now, the IdeaPad Lynx is my first choice because it looks to be a very high quality machine for a reasonable $599.

If the Surface RT, Ativ Tab, or Dell XPS10 come in at a reasonable price, they will win me over to RT though. At $499 I may consider one, but getting RT at a price point Windows 8 is available at (in the form of the W510) would be a tough pill to swallow. If any of the three comes in at $399 that will be my first choice tablet. If all three came in at that price it would be a shoot out between the XPS10 and the Surface RT.

Out of all four devices the XPS10 or Surface RT would be my first choice, but as I said, it will come down to how the three RT options are priced.
Honestly none at the moment. All of the form factors seem underpowered to me. Imagine the advancement in a year or two. Mind blown.
Surface, easily. No other Win 8 tablet interest me unless someone copies the idea of the Surface Touch/Typecover pretty much in 1:1 ratio.
The Surface really does look great, but I just have a feeling MS is going to blow it with the price. I have no evidence for this, just a gut feeling. If I had to guess, I'd guess they are going to charge $599 for the surface RT without the cover and probably $80-$100 for the touchtype cover. I really hope I am wrong, I'd love to be wrong because I'd love to get a surface. MS just doesn't have a great history with pricing their products competitively with Apple products. The original Zunes and the Zune HD were both great products, superior to Apple's offerings in many ways, but they were the underdogs and should have been priced as such and weren't, so they never caught on. The only product categories where MS has had successful hardware are gaming systems (where Apple doesn't compete) and peripherals (where Apple doesn't provide drivers to make their products fully functional with Windows).
I have been running Win8 on my laptop for a while, and I like it. But I still don't know if I am interested in a Win tablet. I'm sure the interface works great on a touch interface, but I just am not a fan of the tablet form factor. It fills a niche I wasn't looking for, I guess.
Possible change to my desired device, the Asus Vivo Tab. Pricing for the RT version seems to gel with the leaked slide of a while back and I cant see myself paying close to a $1000 for the Vivo Tab as quoted in that article. At the moment nothing else looks good to me apart from the HP Envy X2 which has not been priced so have to wait and see.

Edit: crossing everything off my list till I see pricing and performance results. Everything now is either too expensive or lacking features in some way. Not sure this is going to be the slam dunk MS was hoping for.
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The Asus Taichi hands down. The whole design is clean and imo absolutely gorgeous! If i had the money and was ready to get a whole new computer this would be my number 1 choice. At the moment however im only in the market for a cheaper tablet device so Surface RT is for me!
To me Microsoft RT pricing will fall around the 599.00 spot - bare bones, just based on some of the pre order releases that are coming out now. I was hoping for 499.00 as the high water mark but I can't see Microsoft undercutting the other OEMs very much if at all. Big mistake considering a similarly equipped iPad 3 is going for about 20.00 more.

If I was a tablet virgin going into this blind, I'd probably go with the Apple offering because it is a known offering and has all the exposure, marketing etc going for it.

The Nexus 7 is selling very well because of price - MS should pay attention to that.
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Possible change to my desired device, the Asus Vivo Tab. Pricing for the RT version seems to gel with the leaked slide of a while back and I cant see myself paying close to a $1000 for the Vivo Tab as quoted in that article. At the moment nothing else looks good to me apart from the HP Envy X2 which has not been priced so have to wait and see.
Yeah. So far the 32 gb Vivo has caught my eye at 599.00. Now I'll see what the Surface will come up at.
I'm with jmschub... Tablets don't really appeal to me: I already have a smartphone and a laptop. The surface, however, with the touch type cover, could replace my laptop completely-even the RT with my usage profile-and if it comes in at the magical sub $450 mark, it would be a no-brainer.
Surface Pro, but if its priced in the stratosphere, the RT. If both are priced way out of line, I will have to do some looking at other options. A screen on the back of my laptop does not seem like a worthwhile idea though. Also, really hate all the other KB docks. Surface has the only good one I think. But I would say first alternate is the lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2.

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