Mobility Digest rips on ZDNet (Pro W8/RT article)

Just got done reading this article. So glad to see finally see some W8/RT love. :cool:

ZDNet, you’re baffled by the Surface RT? Then maybe you should read more and talk less - Mobility Digest

Thanks - I appreciate you posting that article. It pretty much sums up my own opinion on the subject and it was good coming from someone who wasn't just using it as a platform to badmouth another product. There are even people here who regularly spread disinformation, rather than just doing the most minimal homework before talking. The big one is the recurring "why doesn't Microsoft explain the difference between Surface RT and Surface Pro?" when they have had a matrix of the differences available on the Surface promo site for ages. Actually, the stunning one off this site is coming from some of the "analysts" who claimed Surface would be a failure right out of the gate. When it became clear that Microsoft was selling pre-orders even faster than they were expecting, what was the response? Suddenly you had some of the same people saying that the sales were going to doom Windows 8 because Windows RT and the Surface RT tablets were now going to confuse consumers. You simply can't win with that crowd, even if you actually are winning.

It is all still just technology and I certainly don't lose any sleep over it, but some of this mantra that dates back Vista and earlier has gotten more than a bit old at this point. Apple releases a new iPad line, out of their normal development and release schedule, which in any other industry would be viewed as panic or internal management concern, and they are innovating. Google release plastic toy tablets with a high res screen and no expandability, and then screws their own customers by (in a few days) releasing the same tablet with more storage for the same price as people paid a month ago (and only a couple months after original release) and they are staking a claim/dominating the market. Microsoft steps into the market with a new tablet line with a radically different interface that is preloaded with key Office apps, pre-sales appear to be very strong, and it is a harbinger of doom.
I read tech sites less and less unfortunately. Just like the major news channels, blogs, bias, flame-bait and click-bait is the new strategy it seems. Not interested in the slightest.
Unfortunately I am doing the same. I used to love engadget and the verge (when it was "this is my next") I may go to their sites maybe once in a while or so.

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