Atom tablet performance impressions - Samsung Ativ

Someone on xda has got his hands on a Samsung x86 Ativ Atom tablet and gives his impressions. Seems to be happy with Photoshop and 1080p playback under the right circumstances. Doesn't look too shabby.

Samsung Series 5 Hybrid (Ativ Smart PC) W8 tablet - Quick Review for Note 10.1 owners - xda-developers

Thanks a lot!
Just spend a bit over a hour trying to find videos or something to get some kind of picture will atom be enough for my use.

Looking quite good reading that text. Would certainly give me much more moving space for my Windows 8 hybrid.

What i have been reading about these W8 atom tablet and hybrids, the battery life seems to be truly amazing, like beyond iPad amazing. Something that's a bit surprising.
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Thanks a lot!
Just spend a bit over a hour trying to find videos or something to get some kind of picture will atom be enough for my use.

Looking quite good reading that text. Would certainly give me much more moving space for my Windows 8 hybrid.

Seems like it could be a good enough performance till the next Atom/Haswell devices next year. Think I will bite the bullet and go for the Vivo Tab, just don't have anything I prefer over it.
Seems like it could be a good enough performance till the next Atom/Haswell devices next year. Think I will bite the bullet and go for the Vivo Tab, just don't have anything I prefer over it.

Yeah at this point i have already become to the realization that core tablets wont be for me, not yet. There's nothing that hits the target and i'm not simply paying ~1200-1400 euros for something that's good enough.

So i rather get cheaper RT or Atom Windows 8 tablet at this point and by end of next year get back to those core tablets.
Seems like it could be a good enough performance till the next Atom/Haswell devices next year. Think I will bite the bullet and go for the Vivo Tab, just don't have anything I prefer over it.

Yeah, I really wanted to wait for the next gen Atom and Haswell, but I really need something to use now. I wanted something with an active digitizer and I don't see any RT tablets with that, so that's an easy decision, RT isn't an option for me. As for Atom vs Ivy Bridge, I really wanted a tablet with 1080p resolution, but I couldn't find any Atom tablets with with a resolution that high. The Ivy Bridge tablets, hybrids, and convertibles offer a 1080p screen, but they were much more expensive, were usually larger, thicker, and heavier, get pretty warm, and have not so good battery life.

So I've decided to go with an Atom powered tablet. It doesn't cost too much more compared to the RT tablets (actually some of the RT tablets cost quite a lot) and it'll still have pretty decent battery life. Then when the next gen chips come out, I can sell or give away my old tablet to family or something, and reevaluate Atom vs Haswell.

Now the only question is: Which Atom powered tablet should I get?
Yeah, I really wanted to wait for the next gen Atom and Haswell, but I really need something to use now. I wanted something with an active digitizer and I don't see any RT tablets with that, so that's an easy decision, RT isn't an option for me. As for Atom vs Ivy Bridge, I really wanted a tablet with 1080p resolution, but I couldn't find any Atom tablets with with a resolution that high. The Ivy Bridge tablets, hybrids, and convertibles offer a 1080p screen, but they were much more expensive, were usually larger, thicker, and heavier, get pretty warm, and have not so good battery life.

So I've decided to go with an Atom powered tablet. It doesn't cost too much more compared to the RT tablets (actually some of the RT tablets cost quite a lot) and it'll still have pretty decent battery life. Then when the next gen chips come out, I can sell or give away my old tablet to family or something, and reevaluate Atom vs Haswell.

Now the only question is: Which Atom powered tablet should I get?

well since you want a stylist. I think the Samsung Ativ SmartPC is your choice. It has a atom processor and a S pen
Staples has the tablet for only $599 at the moment, seems a good price.

Where'd you find that out?

This launch is a bit confusing. It seems like half of the Windows 8 tablets, hybrids, and convertibles are "coming soon."

Furthmore, I'm having trouble finding real reviews. The "reviews" I see are just previews.

The Ativ SmartPC seems like an option, but I'm also looking at the Vivo Tab (non RT version of course), HP Envy X2, Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2, the Dell Latitude 10, and the HP Elitepad.

Probably the biggest factor for me is price, since this is sort of a stopgap for me until sometime next year. I've also got to factor in the cost of a dock/keyboard because I don't want it sitting flat on my desk when I'm using it in class.

One of the possible problems I heard of in some of the previews is that the tablet portion is too heavy compared to the keyboard dock, so it likes to fall back. I can't have my $600+ tablet falling backwards onto the floor, but with no real reviews, I'm not really sure which models suffer from this problem.
Where'd you find that out?

This launch is a bit confusing. It seems like half of the Windows 8 tablets, hybrids, and convertibles are "coming soon."

Furthmore, I'm having trouble finding real reviews. The "reviews" I see are just previews.

The Ativ SmartPC seems like an option, but I'm also looking at the Vivo Tab (non RT version of course), HP Envy X2, Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2, the Dell Latitude 10, and the HP Elitepad.

Probably the biggest factor for me is price, since this is sort of a stopgap for me until sometime next year. I've also got to factor in the cost of a dock/keyboard because I don't want it sitting flat on my desk when I'm using it in class.

One of the possible problems I heard of in some of the previews is that the tablet portion is too heavy compared to the keyboard dock, so it likes to fall back. I can't have my $600+ tablet falling backwards onto the floor, but with no real reviews, I'm not really sure which models suffer from this problem.

The Samsung price is from the Staple's site Samsung Series 5 Slate Tablet PC | Staples?. So far it seems to be the only Atom tablet available to purchase, I presume the others will follow soon if they don't want Samsung to get all the early sales. Guess that's also why there are no reviews yet.

Im also following this thread I just picked up ATIV SMart PC (500T) from Staples for review purposes. which will probably test the device pretty thoroughly. Between the two we should get a pretty good idea of the Atom's performance. No one has commented on the balance yet, I'll post a question on that.
The Samsung price is from the Staple's site Samsung Series 5 Slate Tablet PC | Staples?. So far it seems to be the only Atom tablet available to purchase, I presume the others will follow soon if they don't want Samsung to get all the early sales. Guess that's also why there are no reviews yet.

Im also following this thread I just picked up ATIV SMart PC (500T) from Staples for review purposes. which will probably test the device pretty thoroughly. Between the two we should get a pretty good idea of the Atom's performance. No one has commented on the balance yet, I'll post a question on that.

No wonder I couldn't find it, they used the name "Series 5 Slate" which I thought was the old name for the Ativ SmartPC and no longer used.

So the original price for it is $649 w/o keyboard, and $749 w/keyboard.

So if you buy them separately at Staples it'll be $600 for the tablet, and $130 for the keyboard, so $20 cheaper than what it should be.

Thanks for the link. I guess I'll follow along too.
I'm looking at buying HP Envy X2. Love the looks, 400 nits screen, all aluminium build, memory card on tablet and the keyboard.
Only problem is that does it really have wacom inside. Mixed info about that.

Would certainly jump for Ativ SmartPC if it was available that cheap here. 899 euros is the suggested price by Samsung (keyboard included), same as HP Envy X2.
I'm looking at buying HP Envy X2. Love the looks, 400 nits screen, all aluminium build, memory card on tablet and the keyboard.
Only problem is that does it really have wacom inside. Mixed info about that.

Would certainly jump for Ativ SmartPC if it was available that cheap here. 899 euros is the suggested price by Samsung (keyboard included), same as HP Envy X2.

Here the Envy X2 is supposed to cost $850, $100 more than the Ativ SmartPC w/keyboard. So either the Envy is overpriced here, or the Ativ SmartPC is overpriced there.

Do you know if the Envy will include a stylus?
Do you know if the Envy will include a stylus?

99% sure it doesn't include it on the box. Not listed on any of the pre-orders here.

HP hasn't shown the stylus in use ever. Neither have i seen official specification list where wacom is even mentioned. Yet there are some blogs who say that some HP representative had said there's support for it.

To me that will be the deal breaker. Really hope it does have it because i'm really liking that hybrid in every other way.
Anyone have any luck getting one from Staples? Online every store within 50 miles of me just shows "coming soon" with the option to reserve it greyed out.
I got one !! Called around and one Staples had it, drove down and snatched it. No keyboards in stock so I'll try to get one next week.

Quick impressions, sick! It's wider than my ipad, but just as thin, a touch heavier. Build quality is extremely firm, it's plastic but it feels very very sturdy. Starting it up and will post back later some kind of review.
Dang, it includes an s-pen and nfc? I'm seriously considering returning my vivo. I just think 11.6" may be a touch too large for my liking
Just came from staples and I was very impressed with this. Feels lighter than my Surface, but having a full Windows 8 tablet for 599 is very temping. The stylus is very well hidden and while running most of the software, I never had any smoothness issues. Everything ran nice.
Im waiting for the release of the Thinkpad Tablet 2. Seems like the lightest, most portable of the Atom Processors that runs full Win 8. Plus digitzier, optional pen, Bluetooth Lenovo keyboard/stand. Just hope the screen is nice!
Yeah I'm seriously considering returning my surface for this as well.. Well.. maybe not this particular one.. if I were to get an atom tab I'd need bigger than 64gb since the x86 programs I'd want to install would take up more space than what would be available. Still though.. just knowing these will be out there makes me want to return the surface and wait a bit.

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