Yeah, I really wanted to wait for the next gen Atom and Haswell, but I really need something to use now. I wanted something with an active digitizer and I don't see any RT tablets with that, so that's an easy decision, RT isn't an option for me. As for Atom vs Ivy Bridge, I really wanted a tablet with 1080p resolution, but I couldn't find any Atom tablets with with a resolution that high. The Ivy Bridge tablets, hybrids, and convertibles offer a 1080p screen, but they were much more expensive, were usually larger, thicker, and heavier, get pretty warm, and have not so good battery life.
So I've decided to go with an Atom powered tablet. It doesn't cost too much more compared to the RT tablets (actually some of the RT tablets cost quite a lot) and it'll still have pretty decent battery life. Then when the next gen chips come out, I can sell or give away my old tablet to family or something, and reevaluate Atom vs Haswell.
Now the only question is: Which Atom powered tablet should I get?