Surface RT or Asus VivoTab RT

Michael Alan Goff

New member
Jan 15, 2012
I'm thinking of getting a Windows RT tablet (early next year, probably before February), and these two seem like the best of the bunch. I would be getting the keyboard for the Surface.

I really don't know if one of them is really "better", though. They both have Tegra 3 (if only that wasn't the case, right?), they both have the same resolution, they both seem to be very similar in the tech bits department (except for a few things the Asus has that... don't matter to me. NFC is great for a phone, but a tablet of this size seems a bit useless for my uses).

Is there anything about one that makes it stand out in a meaningful way? The battery life of the Asus is probably better, but I haven't been able to get a good indication of how long it would last. Some people say 12 hrs max, others say they've gotten it to last 15.

What do you guys think?
I have read lots of reviews on both and I settled on the ASUS. I thought it was better overall. But there again, others that have the Surface will say the same thing.

I'm not sure about the Surface but the ASUS keyboard comes with a USB port. And not only do you get the 25gb skydrive, but also 7gb with ASUS Cloud

Read up on the ASUS in the forum on this board.

I'm very happy with the ASUS. The only thing that bugs me is that at home I have a hidden wireless network and everytime I start it backup I have to re-enter the ssid and key. Pain in the butt. But i'm not sure at this point if it's hardware, software or just a setting.

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