Selling my iPad for a surface


New member
Sep 20, 2012
I have a 1st Gen iPad that I'm selling and will be purchasing a new tablet. I have my eyes set on a surface.. Yes I know its not a laptop or full fledge . I only need it for basic entertainment and light office use. Your opinion is it an upgrade?
I have a 1st Gen iPad that I'm selling and will be purchasing a new tablet. I have my eyes set on a surface.. Yes I know its not a laptop or full fledge . I only need it for basic entertainment and light office use. Your opinion is it an upgrade?

If you are already used to windows, then I would say definitely!. If you are hooked into apples ecosystem it might be a downgrade as the apps just aren't there yet and the music and video store has enough but nowhere near apples.

having said that thoughI use it the exact same way just some entertainment (plex has actually worked great, and I really like xbox music and being able to stream most of the new cd's for free.). I had the first Gen ipad and to me Surface is such a step up in almost every way. If you are used to word and excel then there is no better ARM tablet that you could get than the Surface. It is the closest Tablet to a laptop replacement that I have owned. Go try it out if you can cause I heard staples should be selling them soon, and you can judge for yourself. I think you will appreciate what it can do, and see the potential in the OS a few updates down the road.
Good choice, I would sell an iPad 2 or the"New iPad" for a surface too 😋
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I have a l920 and am wanting to pull myself into M$ platform. I LOVE how much different WP8 is from everything and feel its a good step forward in most areas other than apps but just got SkyDrive on my xbox360 and really starting to enjoy xboxmusic

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