Flash on Windows 8 tablets?


New member
Dec 17, 2012
I am looking to buy Windows 8 tablet primarily to watch streaming sports programs that require flash. I understand that you can configure RT to view basically any website with flash, but I haven't been able to experiment with this myself.

On my desktop, I can simply go the relevant website in firefox and stream the vids. However, if I go through internet explorer, while I can view the vids, I get a ton of popups that are very annoying because you have to click them in a certain spot and if you don't, it opens up other windows.

So my questions:

1. Has anyone tried to view these streaming sites on the Surface RT? If so, does it work well?

2. For tablets with regular Windows 8 (e.g. Iconia W510), can you install the "normal" version of firefox that would work the same as my firefox on my Windows 7 desktop?

3. If all I am doing is browsing these sites, I assume I don't need the more powerful surface pro or W700, right?

Thanks in advance.
On Windows RT devices technically you can view Flash sites that are on Microsoft's whitelist to view, which means developers have certified them to work well on Windows 8/RT. Some people have overridden and added their own sites to the whitelist, but I find that it has mixed results. So I wouldn't say you can just configure it to view basically any website, there are complications and speed bumps when using unofficial methods.

On any x86 based tablet, like the Samsung ATIV Smart PC or the W510 you can install firefox or chrome just like on a desktop or laptop

It depends on what else you plan to do with the device, also not all flash sites are created equal, some can be quite processor intensive and not the smoothest on even good hardware (hence the move away from flash in recent years). I find most sites work fine on my Surface RT
Thanks for the response. I imagine that I will use the device primarily just to view these flash based sites that stream live sports. I may occasionally watch netflix or a movie I downloaded and perhaps when I am on vacation I would like to use it to log into citrix. I have a decent desktop at home so I don't need it as a true desktop/laptop replacement.
I tried it. I added it to my Flash allowed list, managed to close the pop ups (they really are worse than any I have ever seen), and got a message that the player wasn't loading and to contact the site admin.
thanks alot.....thats interesting..i can access those sites on a desktop with internet explorer...

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