Surface as a laptop


New member
Mar 12, 2011
One consistent remark in most of the reviews that I've read on either the Surface RT or the Surface Pro is that the reviewers seem to feel that it is not possible to use either of these devices in a lap. I've extensively used my Surface RT, with the touch cover, in my lap. I've types emails while stretched out on my couch, sitting in a chair and various other places. Am I the only one who finds the device can be successfully used in this way? I'm just curious because I feel like it's really being short changed in the reviews. Chime in and let me know what you all think.
I use mine in my lap every day. It works well with or without using the touch cover. I have a lap board computer thing at home I use some times but I get tired of it after a while and just set my surface in my lap its more comfortable that way. I do have troubles typing on the touch cover at times with it in my lap so if I am typing a long email I just use the on screen keyboard.
Ive used my RT sitting against a wall with my knees up, the surface resting against my thighs and the touch cover bridging the gap to my chest. Didnt have any issues typing or swiping. Understandably its not the most comfortable of ways to work but it will do in a pinch.
Try to use any other tablet in your lap without an extra dock and you get similar results, what's their point other than to make something out of nothing.

This is were I get bugged... The right tool for the right job... If you really need a laptop, get a laptop with touch screen or with out a touch screen. I use my surface rt as a laptop replacement when it can be like on a desk. The surface is a little unstable to use on the lap, but can be done. Why not point out a pro in the reviews like the positions you can get the surface in that you can't get on a laptop. Like laying flat or holing it upright. All in a easy to use portable package.

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