Reaction to Google's $1300.00 dollar browser tablet

Well at least one person likes it.


Besides the obvious hatred to MS in the title why wont it kill Mac's as well?

Comments section is starting to fill up with Mac fanboys flaming as I speak.
It's more money for less function. If there is a God in heaven, and I truly believe there is, this tablet will sell like 10 units.
Why......what's wrong if Google sell loads of them?

Shhhhhhhh, don't interrupt the hate. The natives get very angry.

I only know one person that has the 1TB Google Drive plan. I've not reached out to him to ask, but he'd be the only person I know that thinks the Pixel would be a good value.

I would have gone for this, but not anywhere near that price.
I don't care what price it was. I still wouldn't have bought one. YouTube is the closest I get to Google nowadays.
Why......what's wrong if Google sell loads of them?

It has nothing to do with hate, as arrowrand is suggesting. It's a ripoff, plain and simple. The Surface RT does more in every respect apart from pixel count for less than ? the price and the google fanboys rage about it being overpriced.
I'm still waiting for the "it's a joke guys" line. C'mon that price is ludicrous

I can't fathom how Google thinks chrome os doesn't suck at that price point. For a budget net book, ok fine. But this is going to fail so bad. Hopefully it's a wake up call.

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