So, my family was going to buy a tablet...


New member
Dec 23, 2012
We went to one of the more reputable tech stores in our area.

While my mom was asking the salesperson, I immediately searched around the entire store. And, to my surprise, they actually stocked an RT tablet. Granted, it was at the back, mixed with the crappy low-end laptops, but it was right there (and it was turned on). So, when I went back to my mom, I immediately dragged her off to the RT tablet, and showed it off for her. I highlighted the free Microsoft Office for her (because I really need it). And, you know what the sales person said?

"Ang pangit kaya ng tablet na iyan. Tingnan mo nga, Windows 8 yan. Walang apps. Mahirap gamitin. Yung iPad na lang bilhin mo."
In English?
"That's an ugly tablet. Look at it, that's Windows 8. No apps. Hard to use. Just buy the iPad."

At that point in time, I stormed out of the store.

When I finally mustered the restraint to go back, lo and behold, the salesperson had talked my mom into buying an iPad. How? Like this:
"Lalagyan namin yan ng mga free apps"
"We'll put free apps on it"

I just wanted to say some choice words to him. But I didn't, because by that point I'd clearly gotten him angry.

I put this in the off-topic lounge at first because this isn't necessarily going to be a discussion, I just wanted a place to vent my frustration.
Unbelievable. This is MSs real issue, they need to make sure their salesmen are trained to promote W8.
Well, I live in the Philippines, so...practices like this are common.

That and they actually pirated apps to sell an iPad. Sure, they could badmouth Win8 all they want (as long as I'm there to rectify the situation), but I am not going to stand by and watch as developers - hardworking developers - get robbed of their money just to sell an iPad.
Well, I live in the Philippines, so...practices like this are common.

That and they actually pirated apps to sell an iPad. Sure, they could badmouth Win8 all they want (as long as I'm there to rectify the situation), but I am not going to stand by and watch as developers - hardworking developers - get robbed of their money just to sell an iPad.

And you didn't tell your parents that their new iPad was running pirated apps? I bet Cydia even came preinstalled...
Should have went into that store already knowing what you were going to walkout with.
Curious why your parents are listening to a salesperson rather than you, their own child? No way I would let some moronic salesperson sell crap to my Mum, and especially while I'm there. I would put them in their place, pronto AND take my business elsewhere.
Curious why your parents are listening to a salesperson rather than you, their own child? No way I would let some moronic salesperson sell crap to my Mum, and especially while I'm there. I would put them in their place, pronto AND take my business elsewhere.

Unfortunately, my mom was angry at me for angering the salesperson, so I really couldn't do anything.
Um Microsoft Office isn't included with Windows 8. Figured that out the other day. I was pretty disappointed. ��
Curious why your parents are listening to a salesperson rather than you, their own child? No way I would let some moronic salesperson sell crap to my Mum, and especially while I'm there. I would put them in their place, pronto AND take my business elsewhere.
Very skilled salesmen know all the right talking points to snipe your parents from listening to your advice. Now my parents are getting more and more into online sites where bias clearly sets in, and I have to go into damage control mode before we even get into the store... I've encountered salesmen at that point who can undo my parent's confidence in what I've said. "Well, they do sell these all the time, they have to know what they're talking about or they won't make any sales," I'll be told. Hmph. Sure, I can try and prove why they're wrong, but I can't always be there in person though when they're making purchases, heh.

And then you have the ones who promise free, pirated apps to sell an iPad they probably gain a bigger commission on... *sigh* Sorry you've had to see this happen, OP. Really sucks.

Too bad there isn't a Microsoft Store in the Phillipines... those guys are really good at showing off some of the great features and reasons to own a Microsoft product. I usually learn something new every time I go in, so sometimes I just act like an uninformed consumer, ask them to tell me about something such as the Surface, and watch them show me new stuff ;)
This is why Microsoft is putting their instore "stores" in a lot of Best Buys. Without some qualified sales people supporting the platform, they will continue to struggle. Sales reps are horrible when it comes to technology. They are so easily swayed by their personal preference.

Their goal should be to sell the best product for that specific customer, not themselves.
You should have said, it's a whole PC inside a tablet, so you can install every single thing you want, and thus you won't need apps anymore.

Oh, nvm.. RT. That's unfortunate :(
just like theefman said... you should be more sad about your parents listening to a stranger than you.

even my sister bought Windows Phone because i told her about it, her phone died so she wanted a new one. I told her about every possible phone, everytime she said something about android I would say "you know I wont say anything about it, if you want it go for it", she ended up buying a HTC surround, and liked it and she have had 3 more windows phones. so even my sister would listen to me instead of a salesman, or my mom, or my dad. my other sisters not much, since they rarely buy gadgets and the other likes Linux.

But yeah, your mom listening to a stranger... that's sad sad. I would be angry at my mom if she did that. But im sure she knows I know what I would be talking about. and if I don't know it, I would research it for her, because she always asks me.

anyway, in some months surface rt will become amazingly nice with 8.1 and new apps/games that will be released soon, and in coming months.

and maybe its for our different countries and our families and cultures... but I cant imagine myself giving explanations to some random salesman I don't care, I would have or just walked out (for how bad service he is giving) or just take the surface and buy it without even talking to that person. (its not like he has to agree or not about me buying it), and you know like pushing him while I walk through him with my surface so he can just shut up and see me buy what I want.

sad day when stupid salesmen don't do their job and just focus in selling stuff, not giving personal opinions pushing you away from other devices, why not just show both devices and then the person decide? I mean its not like he cant say "I would recommend...." but not like "surface is crappy crap, don't buy it"
and of course I would have reported if those "free" versions were pirated versions, I mean... piracy cant be accepted so I would have reported that store.

anyway, there is no much we can do :P but it sucks.

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