Why not a Windows Phone 8 tablet?


New member
Jul 9, 2013
Hello members!

The WP8 OS is fast and by now very stable! I use the Nokia Lumia 920 and love it!
Im looking for device that has the same experience as my phone but with a larger screen!
Tablets you say! But why is there not any tablet running WP8 ?

Please explain the benefits of Win 8.1 and why not Microsoft do like android or ios and use the same os as the phones exept the actual "phone" feature?
In my world that must be a hell of a lot cheeper..

Hello members!

The WP8 OS is fast and by now very stable! I use the Nokia Lumia 920 and love it!
Im looking for device that has the same experience as my phone but with a larger screen!
Tablets you say! But why is there not any tablet running WP8 ?

Please explain the benefits of Win 8.1 and why not Microsoft do like android or ios and use the same os as the phones exept the actual "phone" feature?
In my world that must be a hell of a lot cheeper..


Well Wp8 is to Windows 8 as IOS6 is to OSX. Windows 8 is intended to be an expanded OS for PC's & tablet's that meets the additional needs that a phone does not require.

If they were to simply put wp8's OS on a computer, it would be severely lacking in features and compatibility. I get what you're saying, but the similarities between WP8 and Windows 8 are already air tight. Cutting features out of Windows 8 to make it more like Wp8 would just be silly.
I will admit, with no shame, that I would pay good money for an 8" WP8 tablet. Of course, I'd like to see a few tweaks, such as the swipe-multitasking, but overall it would make a very nice consumption tablet.

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