Love my new Surface RT


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Okay, after a good day with my new surface RT, I love this machine.

Mainly bought it for stuff such as xbox music, features when I get my xbox one, and for when I am in College on wednesday's when my laptop will be too big for the desk.

Having office for free on this thing is a big bonus and nothing on my nexus that I can download comes close to the real thing. This will be a big help on Wednesday night when I'm in my payroll course. The desks are way too small for my laptop so this will be great.

I subscribed to xbox music since Google are not Canadian friendly and won't release google music all access in Canada.. Having the pure xbox music app is so much better than the current android app and I can see myself playing tunes on this thing while i'm working. Love that what changes I do (add albums, change playlists), the changes are reflected on all my xbox music devices.

The one feature that I absolutely love and wish MS promotes more after is how you can have part of one app on a quarter of the screen and you can do something else on the rest of the screen. the real cool part is that it is still working away, whether it is updating your fantasy sports team scores or switching to a new song. In other words, MS nailed it on how to do multitasking on a tablet.

The only down point that will prevent me from totalling ditching my nexus is reading regular books. for magazines & newspapers, it's going on the surface rt. But for books, I may need to keep my nexus 7 for now.

Highly recommend the surface RT and can't wait to use smart glass on the xbox one in November.
I'm glad you are liking your Surface RT and that it's working well for you for both personal and school usage. Did you get a touch or type cover? If so, what colour did you get?
With windows 8.1 the improvements keep on coming. You'll love it even more. Spread the good word on RT.
No touch cover...yet. I have a windows 8 laptop that I'm using to do my course work on and I need to use to get into work (I can connect my monitor to the laptop) if I'm house sitting. But, since i'm loving this thing more & more. I might have to get one.

I do have one questions, Is there an alternative to getting magazines in Canada besides Zinio?
Glad you're loving it. It is a least beast tablet and am hoping for a Surface RT mini in the future.
I don't have an answer for your magazine question but I am happy that you are enjoying your surface!
No touch cover...yet. I have a windows 8 laptop that I'm using to do my course work on and I need to use to get into work (I can connect my monitor to the laptop) if I'm house sitting. But, since i'm loving this thing more & more. I might have to get one.

I do have one questions, Is there an alternative to getting magazines in Canada besides Zinio?

In the UK there's a competitor called PocketMags ( I believe), I'd be surprised if you couldn't get that in Canada.

Also, for books Amazon Kindle is available and free for Windows 8.

Have you tried using remote desktop to your Windows 8 PC? That would be a key point of buying it to me...
I went back to Zinion, magazines are a bit low res but their okay. Do have a general question, for those who switched from a google device to a windows 8 device (phone and/or tablet), did you totally got rid of google or did you keep some services such as google play books, maps, etc?

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