The Lenovo Ideatab Miix2 8-inch quad core Atom


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Sep 7, 2012
So who has the Lenovo Miix2?

I had mine delivered over the weekend from Amazon.

So far what I like is its thinness and speed.

What I don't like is the font smoothing (or lackthereof), power on issues from deep sleep, and default gamma.

This device has a real issue of not powering back on normally after it's been sleep for a long time. I initially noticed this when it was opened brand new out the box. It just wouldn't turn on--even when plugged into the wall outlet.

I had to press both volume buttons and power button for a few seconds to 'reset' it. This happens everytime I have it sit in standby/sleep for long periods.

Other than that it's great. Battery life seemed to be lower than 10 hours during my use. Maybe 7-8? This was playing Uno, browsing, e-mail, and watching videos with VLC.

Anyone else use this tablet?
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Well the issue with it powering on still exists and it's VERY annoying.

So back to Amazon it goes. :( Such a nice little tablet otherwise.

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