Tablet specs


New member
Mar 21, 2012
I've been looking over several tablet options the last few weeks. I have only a couple of "must haves", but it is proving hard to find more than one option (Surface 2). My must haves are:
  • Sub-$500 (cheaper, the better)
  • Full USB 3.0
  • micro-HDMI (full HDMI might be acceptable, too)
  • Office 2013 included.
  • Easy to carry full-size keyboard with trackpad (I define easy to carry as in tablet and keyboard can be one- Yoga-style, Surface, Lumia, etc. Acer W4, not so much).
    • Some way to self-prop itself (all my examples have this taken care of with the keyboard aspect

It would be amazingly ideal if:

  • Said device charged via micro-USB in some form or another (have plenty of chargers laying around then!)
  • Replaceable battery (so I'm not essentially forced into upgrading due to a dead battery)
  • Sub-$300

Wasn't Intel promising $99 tablets this holiday season? I realize some of my must haves would likely keep it above $99. For all I read on tech sites every day, the only tablet I've ever seen that ticks all my must haves is Surface 2, which is fine with me. I'm just wondering if there is a cheaper option that has been announced, but not yet released that I am missing. It seems like all the full Win8 tablets are either high-end and over my potential budget or else lack my must haves.
The Asus Transformer Book T100 would fill that request nicely.
Everything but the replaceable battery and in the $400 range. Someone even posted picking one up at Walmart for $379
The only 2 additional options I was hoping for is 4gb ram instead of 2gb and Gorilla Glass.

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