It's Back! ASUS VivoTab Note 8


New member
Aug 10, 2011
Are you getting one?
Unfortunately no ($ tight), but a colleague got one and I tried it out for an entire day. Performance wise it's up there with Dell Venue 8 Pro and Lenovo Encore, but the Wacom is obviously a great perk.

The pen experience is alright, it gets the job done though it can be better in the corners and at the top of the screen. However, my friend got his a while ago, given how there's been a gap where this tablet wasn't available I am hopeful that Asus made a few improvements to the pen.

If not, I'm sure this unit has proven popular enough (sold out instantly the first time) that Asus will introduce an improved or higher-end version in the near future.
What's a good case for it? I don't care for the BT keyboard, just a cover to keep the dust off the screen and not block access to any buttons, ports and stylus, I read a lot of reviews on Amazon, and most cases have magnets that interfere with the pen functionality. Is there a magnet-free case?

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