Windows 8.1 Tablet PC Question?


New member
Mar 16, 2012
Some Windows 8.1 Tablets use a full version of Windows like a PC. What can it do as to regards playing games on them that have been downloaded from say the Steam store?
What can it do? Pretty vague question. That depends entirely on the hardware inside and the type of game, doesn't it? In general you'll never get any graphically intensive heavy-duty games to run satisfactorily (if at all) on thin tablets with weak/throttled CPUs and Intel graphics. If you drastically reduce or even turn off all effects, reduce the resolution and so on you may get acceptable frame rates, but it's a crapshoot and you'll have to experiment with each game to figure it out.
It can run all your Steam games since it is a full Windows PC. However, many Steam games are designed for a keyboard and mouse. So expect to use KBM attached to your PC. But because it's a full PC, you can attach whatever peripherals you want. I use a wireless Xbox 360 controller, Xbox One controller.

I also have a couple of USB 3.0 hubs so I can attach multiple USB devices simultaneously. Also, many Windows tablets also come with Bluetooth so you can connect wireless Bluetooth devices like speakers, headsets, keyboards, mice, etc.

The biggest limitation is always going to be Intel graphics and RAM (since Atom machines only have 2 GB of RAM). Intel graphics hold back the Core i3, i5, and i7 processors.
Current generation low-end tablets (bay trail ones like the Dell Venue 8 Pro) are OK with lighter games such as Starcraft II, but don't expect Skyrim or Planetside 2 to run. But stuff like Half-Life 2, Halo 2, etc. will be fine.

Higher end tablets like the Surface Pro's have higher end internals which will fare better.
Best thing to do is research the specs of a game you want to play then research the specs of the tablet..from there you can judge what games can/cant be played

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