Toshiba Encore 2 8" or Toshiba Encore 1


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Jun 28, 2014
Since apparently every staples in NYC has no dell venue 8 pro tablets anyway, I resorted to the other $199 tablet, the Encore 1. Which they also don't have. Anywhere. Which is why I got the Encore 2, which I didn't even know existed, and which I can barely find info on it. I know it's a bad idea to get any tech without knowing what it can do, but I was desperate and I got it, in case they didn't have anything else anywhere.
Looking at the specs, I think the Encore 1 is better, and it comes with Office forever instead of the 1 year that the Encore 2 comes with, so before I return the Encore 2 and ask the guys at staples to ship an Encore 1, which do you think is worth it?
I have the Encore 2 as well. It's a nice little tablet. My biggest gripe is the Office 365 one year trial issue. That kind of bummed me out a bit, but oh well. I already have a subscription, so I just added my Encore 2 to it. I would not be very happy if I didn't already have that subscription. If you need the peripherals that the Encore 1 comes with, then I say take the 2 back and find a 1. They are all over eBay. If you don't need the extras that the 1 offers, then the Encore 2 might just satisfy your needs.
What are you primarily planning on using it for? Do you have an Office subscription already?
I don't have a subscription already, which is why the 1 year trial* really put me off of this because I hope to use this tablet for a while. I don't think ebay is an option, I'm more into getting electronics right from the store, but if they don't have it there I'll probably end up using ebay. I also won't use it only for school, I was hoping to do some gaming on the side, like maybe War Thunder, or some other open source games.
Also, I'm not big tech-wise, is the 2GB ram on the Encore 1 better than the 1GB ram on the Encore 2?
Well, if I were you, I'd get the Encore 1. The 2 is sweet. I've found that it works nicely with checking emails, listening to music, watching Netflix, and some light editing in Word, but that's about it.. The 1 GB ram is really going to be an issue if you plan on installing and playing games. Have you thought about the ASUS Note 8? It's a very nice tablet that comes with a really good Wacom stylus for taking notes. I also have the Note 8, and it is my go-to tablet for work. I think most people would steer you towards the Dell Venue 8 Pro though over any other 8 inch Windows tablet. But, both the ASUS Note 8 and the Encore 2 are very nice. But, for what you plan on using it for, I'd suggest the Encore 2 or any other 8 inch tablet with 2 GB of ram. Good luck.

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