Android guy looking for windows tablet info


New member
Mar 17, 2014
Hello folks. Right up front I'll tell you I'm an android guy. However, my Nexus 7 tablet recently bit the bullet. I think I would like to replace it with a Windows tablet. My reasons are basically to use it in place of my windows laptop.

So my questions...

Can the tablet do most things the windows laptop can do? Can I EASILY hook up to my WiFi printer? Just like the laptop? Does the Windows tablet OS act just like computer?

My son has a Windows phone (HTC 8x) and I must say I don't much care for it.

My wife is always yelling for the kids to bring down the laptop so she can do some work while watching TV. I am just trying to find out if a windows tablet can do most of what the laptop can do.

Thanks for reading, I appreciate your responses!
There are two types of tablets. The RT version and the W8 version.

The W8 version is the full Windows OS. So whatever you want to do with a laptop you can do on it. Keeping in mind that not every program is made for touch but you should do ok for most things.

What tablet were you thinking about?
I plan to buy the Asus T100TA which is almost perfect device imho. For me as a student, a full tablet/full laptop with 10,1" is fit for school work. The battery is just awesome, the price is acceptable, the screen is just fine. For full writing work I have desktop.

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