Surface Type Cover 2 Sale!

Picked up the Surface Type Cover 2 today at Staples. They had a 20% off "Fill This Bag" sale going on which ends today I think so I was able to get the Type Cover 2 for $64 before tax. Great deal! :smile:
Thanks for the tip! Picked up at staples and was allowed to use a 25% off coupon! It ended up about $64 tax included!
Yeah guess I should have waited one more day. Found out about today's 25% off coupon too late. Still got a great deal. Now I just need to get a Surface 2!
HAHA! Naw, you're only talking 5%. I discovered the coupon right before I was going to head over to Staples. I just got lucky. We both came up with a pretty sweet deal! Thanks again!
aww, man!!! I just bought this from Microsoft Store's Ebay website for $89.99 yesterday!!!

okay, just tried to buy it at Staples and out of stock.

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