Is the Windows Store app situation even worse than the Windows Phone app store?


New member
Dec 26, 2013
I just got an HP Stream 8, which is my first experience with WIndows 8. I have a Lumia 521 already, and while it certainly isn't the perfect phone, it has served my purposes well for the last year. I've found enough of the apps I need for the phone to keep me from feeling deprived.

So when I started up the Stream 8 tablet and started looking for apps, I was surprised to find that the app situation in the Windows Store seems to be even worse than for WP! (Now, before you say it, I understand the whole thing about being able to install full desktop applications, etc. That's great, and that is part of the reason I wanted the Stream 8. But that's not what I'm talking about here.)

Many apps that *are* in the WP store aren't even in the Windows app store. Pandora and USAA are just the first two I looked for and didn't find, even though they both have very good WP apps. Am I missing something? Even though Android and iOS have gained a ton of market share in the mobile market, Windows is still a dominant force. Why aren't developers building for this?

Boy, Windows 10 can't come soon enough...hopefully developers will then finally feel like MS knows what they are doing and aren't going to change course every year like they have done over the last few years.

Ugh. I want to love this new tablet....

Yea, the Windows and Windows Phone Store gap is an interesting one, with titles available on one, not on the other and vice versa.

I'd agree the Windows Store is definitely inferior to the WP app selection, but the ability to run legacy programs - although usually not as finger-friendly - is quite the trump card.
I dunno, I personally would say that each app ecosystem is about the same for what it does. Tablets generally have smaller app stores because they have smaller audiences. I would say that each app store is about the same when you take that factor into consideration. Even then, that full browser with Flash support puts Windows over WP IMO. If I didn't have a Moto X that I keep around, my SP3 would be the only way to use Sirius XM, Amazon Instant Video, or HBO GO (although I suppose I could use the last two on my X1), or in your case, Pandora.
Yeah.... sadly. I really hope Windows 10 fixes this. Personally, I'd like everything to become an app, and to be able to get rid of old programs. Apps are just so much more... convenient.
The phone store I have no real problem with.

I'll agree the Windows appstore is pretty dismal.
After getting the Dell tablet I was hoping for a few different camera apps at least.

This really hit home when looking for useful apps for the RT I have.
The phone store I have no real problem with.

I'll agree the Windows appstore is pretty dismal.
After getting the Dell tablet I was hoping for a few different camera apps at least.

This really hit home when looking for useful apps for the RT I have.
The app issue was the primary reason for the poor user experience I had with my Surface RT and Surface 2. (A close second was botched update after botched update)

There is a glimmer of hope however... with this new wave of cheap Windows tablets hitting consumers, there will be a greater install base for which to develop for.
WillysJeepMan; agreed said:
The app issue was the primary reason for the poor user experience I had with my Surface RT and Surface 2. (A close second was botched update after botched update)

There is a glimmer of hope however... with this new wave of cheap Windows tablets hitting consumers, there will be a greater install base for which to develop for.

Agreed..there are tons of new tablets hitting the market..hopefully the increase will convince more devs to support the platform.
Agreed..there are tons of new tablets hitting the market..hopefully the increase will convince more devs to support the platform.

Yeah, I am hopeful for that, too, but I also fear that people who buy these tablets are going to get frustrated and start to leave negative reviews for those tablets or decide to return them, thus perpetuating this problem of apathy towards Windows 8. I'm actually considering returning the Stream 8 if they will accept it, and maybe get something the Stream 11 or 13 laptop, which at least would be a better device to use for desktop applications. I like what Nadella and company have been doing lately, but it still tough to catch up in this kind of race.
I like what Nadella and company have been doing lately, but it still tough to catch up in this kind of race.

Interesting thought.
Is this a race?

Apologies slipslip.
I'm not trying to come off as indignant.
Well, any Win8 tablet is inevitably going to be compared with the iPad and Android tablets. For consumers who have experienced full app stores for their phones, coming to the Win8 app store feels way behind. That's what I meant by a race. The expectations are already set by those user's experiences with other app stores, and, for now, MS and app developers have to speed up to meet those expectations.
Yeah, I am hopeful for that, too, but I also fear that people who buy these tablets are going to get frustrated and start to leave negative reviews for those tablets or decide to return them, thus perpetuating this problem of apathy towards Windows 8. I'm actually considering returning the Stream 8 if they will accept it, and maybe get something the Stream 11 or 13 laptop, which at least would be a better device to use for desktop applications. I like what Nadella and company have been doing lately, but it still tough to catch up in this kind of race.

I am that person right now. I bought my first Windows 8 experience in the new Asus 8" tablet off Microsoft store a couple days ago. After two days of use I really want to like it but I was absolutely blown away that my favorite Windows Phone apps aren't in the Windows Store :/. Crazy. Also, I hate how big the borders of Windows 8 is, my 1520 has just as many tiles on it's screen as this 8" tablet due to the big borders. I want my 1520 in a 9" tablet version with 1920x180 resolution, this 1280x800 8" tablet screen hurts my eyes, it shouldn't be harder to read than my phone! Back to the MS store it goes...I'll wait until Windows 10 releases and hopefully they will merge the two stores by then. Was really hoping to ditch my iPad3 but unfortunately Win Tablets aren't anywhere close for me.
The Windows app store selections are bad, and what is there is often poor. The Facebook app is pretty terrible, and I don't think it's ever been updated. It shows so much promise so it's frustrating. The Twitter app is pretty great. I've found that I can get what I need for my requirements on my RT device.
I recently bought HP Stream 7 windows tabs for my sons and they're having a blast with it. I think these cheap windows tablets are for those folks getting tablets for the first time... That app gap may not be as much a shock to those buyers. As a consumption device Windows tablets hold their own. If one wants specific apps then they may be an issue..
Sent from my Samsung ATIV S using Tapatalk.
I finally picked up a Surface 2 last week and I am definitely missing some of my favorite WP apps on Windows 8.1/RT. I really wasn't using Windows 8.1 apps before on my desktop PC but now that I have a tablet I am starting to take notice.

Also why is it that the Windows Central app is much better on WP than it is on Windows? There is no way to access the forums from the app? The app looks nice but is way better on the phone and for now I guess will use IE to access everything on windowscentral.

The Windows app store selections are bad, and what is there is often poor. The Facebook app is pretty terrible, and I don't think it's ever been updated. It shows so much promise so it's frustrating. The Twitter app is pretty great. I've found that I can get what I need for my requirements on my RT device.

I've only been using these for a week now but I find both Facebook and Twitter apps to be crap on Windows. Especially Twitter. Using them on a Surface 2. Both of these apps are far better on my phone. Fortunately I can access both sites using either Metro IE or full desktop IE and that works for me. Started using the Tweetium app trial on and that's awesome so far! A 6tag app for Windows8.1/RT would be great too!!!
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The Windows store has not that many apps no, but I don't find it a big problem.
I noticed that apps on ios, Android and Windows are sometimes missing things that are there on the website. Here in the Netherlands we have an app were you can watch back programs that were on tv. In the app it doesn't show all the programs and as it is there, than it is there for a short time. It doesn't matter what platform you are on. With my Windows 8 tablet I can pin the webpage in my start menu and run it were on android an ios I can't watch the programs. And I do this with more apps and have more possibility's than on other platforms.
I watch YouTube in an app on my tablet. No spam from YouTube and it works a lot better than the YouTube app on android and ios. Never missed that app in windows.

But I understand your problem. I miss some apps to. I also can't wait until Windows 10 is there and not only for the apps. Windows 10 brings a lot more than only more apps that run on all system's. I hope that it synch's with my phone and that I can make phone calls with my PC.

The Windows app store is NOT so bad as hou compare It wit the os x app store and with Windows 10 the gap will be even bigger.
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