Battery health in new, entry;level Windows 8.1 tablets.


New member
Sep 12, 2014

I recently bought GoClever Insignia 800 Win ( INSIGNIA 800 WIN ). Tablet itself is great, I can't complain about build quality or general components (Toshiba eMMC, Realtek WiFi+BT, Intel 3.0 usb controller etc.), but I have concerns about battery. AIDA64 are showing that battery have 29% capacity loss. Far as I have searched on web 5-10% loss from full designed battery capacity is normal in new portable devices.

My question is what is Your experience whit entry-level tablets and their batteries capacity out off the box in first days?
Nice; hadn't ever heard of AIDA64, it's quite slick! Downloaded the trial version of AIDA64 Extreme on my HP Stream 7 tablet (acquired last fall on Black Friday) running Windows 10 TP build 9926 and it runs quite nicely. Interestingly enough, AIDA64 reports that the Stream is running Windows 8.1... Aside from that I'm pleased to learn that the Intel Atom Z3735G is over-clockable from 1.3 GHz up to 1.8 GHz, so shall be checking into that as well. LOL; the report shows that my tablet runs 19.8 GFLOPS!!! For a historical lookback, in 1984, the Cray X-MP Supercomputer ran at 0.8 GFLOPS, and cost $15M.

Battery-wise, after 2 1/2 months of pretty heavy usage and geeking, the capacity is 8% less than designed capacity, so am not experiencing the issue that you're seeing.

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