Missed opportunity by Microsoft


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Dec 6, 2013
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First, I am a solid Windows 8 tablet user. I started with a Vivotab RT (which was VERY underpowered) and switched to an older Windows 7 tablet which I installed Windows 8.1 on (which operated very nicely) and now I have a Nokia 2520 Windows 8.1 RT tablet.

The Windows 7 tablet had a very poor battery life though the tablet had a zippy (but older) i5 processor and 4GB or DDR3 ram. I had to move to a tablet that was fast and had a MUCH better battery life and I think I found it in now with the Nokia 2520.

Now, here is the missed opportunity.

When I am in the Metro (Modern UI) tile menu in 8.1 (RT or not), there are not many options when you swipe DOWN. Oh, you can set it to enable the camera which to me is a big waste. There are good things to do swiping in from the other 3 sides of the tablet. Just nothing good when you swipe DOWN. Why?

On Windows RT, you live a lot in the Metro tile screen. And, I am sure others, like me. prefer to keep the most used tiles visible any time I am in that menu. I don't like tiles being off to the right that I have to scroll to. I forget easily they are there. Metro Internet Explorer does not manage favorites or shortcuts very well. It's very clunky and not very friendly. Oh, you can pin shortcuts on the Start screen but it takes up valuable real estate or you have to move them to the right off the screen.

Why not have the Favorites available when you swipe DOWN? Very easy to access. easy to remember. Lots of space to manage all the links you want. Why didn't they think of this??
They should have though of this. Having to manage favorites and links in the poor manner Windows RT forces me to is one of the things I dislike about Windows RT or the Metro interface in general. They could have done a better job with this.

Ekmeet Singh

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Apr 20, 2014
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It is a good idea 😊. so u should try posting it on UserVoice and may be If more people like ur idea then may be Microsoft might put that in Windows 10.
Plz do post the link to ur suggestion here so I will also vote it up.

Also do give more detailed information in UserVoice so everyone can understand more easily and can give vote to ur idea.


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Oct 2, 2014
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Thanx. Umm, what is UserVoice?

IIt's basically a place where users like us can vote into something that we want Microsoft implement on their next build of Windows (phone, desktop, etc)

For example, you want Cortana support your local language, then make your own suggestion at uservoice.cortana.com

Cmiiw though, I don't remember the link correctly, but basically it's like that

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