Will my 8" W8.1 tablet, after getting W10M, be able to move apps to SD card

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SSK the Gr8

New member
Dec 24, 2011
Hi all,
I have an 8 inch windows tab, so I'm guessing I'll get windows 10(mobile) ( for phones and tabs which are 8 inches or less). I guess windows 10(mobile) is windows 10 tech preview for phones and that is what we are going to get for our 8 inch tabs?

So will it have the ability to install apps on sd card/move apps to sd card?

Does the windows 10 tech preview for phones have the ability to move/install apps to sd card?

I;m worried because my 16 gb tab is basically useless as I am not able to install any third party apps any more.
re: Will my 8" tablet after getting W10(M) be able to move apps to SD card


Don't worry. The full X86 version of Windows 10 will be available to you. It is for devices with screen sizes from 8" and above. This is applicable to all future devices that are to be releases. If your device is already running the X86 [full] Windows 8/8.1 then you will be able to receive the update when Windows 10 is released via Windows Update. This includes devices that have 7" screens like the HP Stream 7.

As it is now Windows 8.1 no longer supports moving apps to an SD card. It is however possible in Windows 8. Windows Phone 8.1 added this ability recently, but it is not confirmed whether this feature will be available I the upcoming Windows 10 release for both PCs and small tablets.
Hang in there! Hopefully when /BUILD is launched we should get some more information of the functionality of Windows 10.
re: Will my 8" tablet after getting W10(M) be able to move apps to SD card

Make VHD on SD and mount use cmd after login.
re: Will my 8" tablet after getting W10(M) be able to move apps to SD card

This working way to windows tablet, not to the phone. *VHD - virtual hard disk.
re: Will my 8" tablet after getting W10(M) be able to move apps to SD card

Thanks for the explanation but little,too technical for me. You'll have to start from zero. And elaborate.
The premise of this question is incorrect. Any existing tablet that currently runs W8.x, even if it's smaller than 8", will be upgraded to W10, not W10M!

If W10 supports moving apps to SD card, so will your tablet. Please post this question in the W10 forum to find out more.

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