So a Surface Pen can act as a Stylus? Stupid question...but I am curious.....


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Nov 16, 2013
So people have posted they tried a Surface Pen on their Lumia phones and it works ( can scroll and control the screen).
Would it be better control then the soft tip mushy Stylus?? Or would it be about the same?

I am aware you would have not pressure sense, or hover on phone or tablet as no digitizer is built in....but I just wonder if it would be of better use then the mush tip.......
Sometimes I use my surface pen to tap on items on my 1020. At first I thought it would only work with high sensitivity, but it also works with regular sensitivity, albeit less accurate. Mush tip is better though, and I've only used the pen when I'm working on my surface and am too lazy to pick up my phone
I ask because I am on my 3rd mush tip, the last one had a small tear that I did not see at first and when I was selecting a group of pictures the tip flopped over and made a scratching sound on my tablet. Lucky there was only a very very small nic on the glass, but at $8 a go, at this rate I will have spent the same as a Surface Pen.
The mush tips seem to wear fast these days.
Oh okay, I don't really use mush tip styli that often. Why not look into one of those styli that look like a crayon/pencil? Pretty sure those would solve mush tip problems without potentially loosing your surface pen

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