Windows 10 on 8 inch tablets


New member
Jan 31, 2013
Just over a year ago I managed to achieve the ideal 'configuration' as far as mobility is concerned: windows 8.1 on an 8" tablet featuring a (wacom) stylus. And a companion Lumia.

I use OneNote on both devices + my desktop and helps me keep track of things, whether a big project or just jotting down thoughts.

I've described this set up on Medium - that's how much I'm keen about it.

Windows 10 pretty much negates all this.

And you really get an appreciation of Windows 8.1 when you're running it on a small tablet. It's a very well thought out interface for touch and pen based computing.

When I installed Windows 10 I lost the ability to intuitively navigate across apps and features. Tasks that had become second nature took way too long.

Windows 10 on a small tablet is not a touch-friendly OS.

And OneNote 2016, the touch version, did not help. As it stands, it's feature-shy version of what I had on my Win 8.1-powered tablet, which was brilliant. I guess it's still early days for the 2016 version. If not, how can a new offering have so many limitations compared to previous versions?

I've got Windows 10 Mobile on my Lumia 930 too and, well, I'm not that impressed. 8.1 has a solid interface. Not a perfect one, but consistent. Windows 10 Mobile feels as if it has compromised on the design language to become more of a standard interface.

It's still too early to be able to comment. Once released, I'll reconsider these thoughts. What I do expect, though, is that Office apps will be complete and very good. As good was what Microsoft are doing for Android and iOS.

I do appreciate that much of the work has been behind the scenes to create a platform that can work seamlessly on every device. But my perspective is from the front end and therefore suffer all the issues and nuances. I'd like to see Microsoft develop a truly seamless experience once the core OS foundatoiin has been laid. By this I mean experiences across devices that work and WOW too.

I'll be replacing my phone in October. Unless Windows 10 Mobile is refined into a solid system, one that is a true companion to Win 10 on other devices, then I'll probably switch to Android.

I'll keep on using Windows 8.1 on my tablet because it is superb. Nothing come closer.

My desktop is due to be replaced in a year's time. As things stand, I'm inclined to try a Mac for the first time.
I agree that Windows 10 on 8 inch tablets is a pain in the arse. But after a few weeks of use I think I can get the hang out of it. But it's still feels messy and cluttered compared to the solid 8.1.

Hoping Microsoft goes further to refine Tablet Mode instead of sticking with the current model as it is a bit less intuitive.
I'm a fan of the charms bar too.

To swipe from right and get a menu system in the context of the app being used is both useful and logical.

And OneNote 2016, the touch version, did not help. As it stands, it's feature-shy version of what I had on my Win 8.1-powered tablet, which was brilliant. I guess it's still early days for the 2016 version. If not, how can a new offering have so many limitations compared to previous versions?


I'm in the same boat. I put win10 on my asus vivotab note 8, and was frustrated specifically with the onenote experience. the modern app or whatever the new MX replacement app is a joke, and is basically nothing more then the web app. I mean, I can not find one reason to use the new win10 onenote app over the web app. My largest gripe is that i cannot take photos directly from the onenote app. onenote is suppose to about capturing anything. and the new app is a far, far, far cry from that/what was available in the win8.1 mx app.

What I do like about win10 is that i can park the one note screen capture tool in the tray, and access it whenever and whatever app I'm in, then send it to the desktop version to whichever notebook i wanted. this is the one new thing that i can do in windows 10 that i could not do in win8.1, and probably the only thing i like about it.

I do like the new calendar and mail app over win8.1, which is why i decided to stay put and not roll back. I am hopeful that the th2 thats due in october/ november will hopefully fix this.
I'm in the same boat. I put win10 on my asus vivotab note 8, and was frustrated specifically with the onenote experience. the modern app or whatever the new MX replacement app is a joke, and is basically nothing more then the web app. I mean, I can not find one reason to use the new win10 onenote app over the web app. My largest gripe is that i cannot take photos directly from the onenote app. onenote is suppose to about capturing anything. and the new app is a far, far, far cry from that/what was available in the win8.1 mx app.

What I do like about win10 is that i can park the one note screen capture tool in the tray, and access it whenever and whatever app I'm in, then send it to the desktop version to whichever notebook i wanted. this is the one new thing that i can do in windows 10 that i could not do in win8.1, and probably the only thing i like about it.

I do like the new calendar and mail app over win8.1, which is why i decided to stay put and not roll back. I am hopeful that the th2 thats due in october/ november will hopefully fix this.

Yup I agree totally. Everything feel so cumbersome compared to 8.1.

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