Issues with my Linx10 tablet


New member
Jul 17, 2014
Hi, I've just upgraded my Linx10 Tablet tfrom 8.1 to W10.

When charging, touch the battery indicator in the task/notification area and it displays battery charge and screen brighness options.

When running on battery this doesn't work, I'd like to know the battery charge remaining especially when I'm running on battery. Its the same in tablet or desktop modes.

Any ideas thanks?

(The above from memory as I'm using a desktop atm and don't have the tablet to hand)
Re: Battery level indicator - W10

The Notification button in the Taskbar will do this.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Re: Battery level indicator - W10

Thanks for the reply ramiss, that was my issue as when running on battery it wouldn't, however when on mains power it did.

I threw a hissy fit last night and rolled it back to 8.1 as I preferred it to 10. I now have a different isue which although 8.1 related I'll ask on this thread as its for the same tablet.

Its a Linx 10, 32GB onboard storage and I previously had a 32GB SD card installed to store docs/pics/vid. I had rolled back from 10 to 8.1 then done a full reset. I set the tablet up with 8.1 for another family member (I've bought a new Linx1010) However at that point I inserted the SD card and although its recognised as SD (D:) I wasn't offered the option to install new apps/vid/music/pics to it. From memory there was a storage option in devices where those options could be changed, I cant find anything now. I can store files on it manually ok but the OS isn't offering what I want.

Any ideas? Thanks

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