Where are the Windows 10 LTE tablets?


New member
Feb 3, 2016
I need a good Windows 10 tablet with Intel i5 and at least 4 GB RAM, preferably 8 GB with LTE on AT&T network. I found HP Spectre 2 and Lenovo with Verizon LTE Service, but not AT&T. The only AT&T tablet is Surface 3 with Atom processor. I want something powerful. I searched the internet and it is so difficult to see powerful Windows LTE tablets and laptops. I believe every tablet and Laptop should have a SIM card and option to get Internet 4G LTE service from any of the service providers. I also wonder, why Microsoft did not come up with Surface 4 with LTE option yet.
I've seen a report that the Elite version of the X2 supports ATT LTE, might want to check that one out.
Thanks a lot for the info. I checked and Elite X2 does have that support. I wish there were more options, but this one will do. Thanks again.
An update: I ordered HP Elite X2 and it gave me a delivery date of April 6th, more than 2 months from now. I had to cancel my order as I cannot wait that long. I spoke to a Specialist and she was a nice lady, she said that they build these systems once the order is received. Still I believe more than 2 months is a little too much of a wait.

What is LTE not common in Windows laptops and tablets? Every Microsoft Surface tablet should have had LTE with it. So sad...
An update: I ordered HP Elite X2 and it gave me a delivery date of April 6th, more than 2 months from now. I had to cancel my order as I cannot wait that long. I spoke to a Specialist and she was a nice lady, she said that they build these systems once the order is received. Still I believe more than 2 months is a little too much of a wait.

What is LTE not common in Windows laptops and tablets? Every Microsoft Surface tablet should have had LTE with it. So sad...
My guess is that that aren't many users who want to run full desktop Windows on LTE, probably due to the massive data usage it would incur. More users would be likely to use strictly mobile OSes on LTE, since those devices wouldn't be so data hungry. You'd see the difference if you used your phone as a modem and ran desktop Windows on a notebook. It would munch much more data than an iPad.
You set it as metered connection and its a nonissue. Also there are tons of business professionals who are on the road a lot who do not need much computing power and something like Surface 3 would work just fine.

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