Is my CPU fan dying?? Should I be worried?? It gets pretty warm!!


New member
Apr 26, 2014
I have a powerful 11.6 inch Windows 8 tablet Acer Iconia W700 the I5 core version which it requires a fan inside to keep it cool.

I have been using the tablet for nearly 2 years now especially for video editing.

But recently the CPU fan is not turning on when booting and from sleep mode as well, it takes a least a minute or 2 or sometimes takes a bit more longer to to get the CPU fan running again when in the home screen and when I not doing anything on my tablet the CPU fan just stops.
And I have never had this problem before until very recently, before it started happening the CPU fan always came straight back on and running again when booting the tablet up and from sleep mode and the CPU fan kept running it self, not stopping when i am not doing anything on the tablet.

And when in normal use simple tasks like while watching videos, Browsing the web and more the tablet gets pretty warm(it gets up to around 62C and while video editing it gets up to around 72C) where the CPU fan is and last summer it got very very hot uncomfortably at times and this was when after I dropped the tablet by accident and before I dropped it by accident it NEVER EVER got hot, it was very cool even when on heavy demanding tasks like video editing, the CPU fan remained cool before so I think it's due to the drop the CPU fan is a bit damaged inside unfortunately. :( :(

I am thinking of getting the CPU fan repaired or replaced by a computer repair shop in the near future for when I use the tablet especially in the summer as i said above it gets very uncomfortably hot because of the drop.

So is this a sign that my CPU fan is dying?? Should I be worried?? And should I send the tablet to a computer repair shop and get the CPU fan replaced?? Would you do if you had this problem everyone??

I have the Acer Iconia W700 the I5 core version, I am still happy with it after nearly 2 years of using it especially for video editing and bought it on Amazon and I am looking to use the tablet for a least another year(going into the start of 2017) then after I will replace it and upgrade to a way definitely more newer/sleeker and way better Windows 10 tablet/hybrid/2 in 1. :) :)
Well, when you use demanding software such as video editing, its normal for the fan to wear out sooner, in my experience. I think the drop would have made things worse and the fan or heat sink would have jumped out of place or damaged. The fan must be spinning loudly as well. Anyways, since its getting uncomfortably hot, that's a clear sign to replace that fan. Its a simple fix, so get it done soon.
Get a can of compressed air from Office Depot (or similar) and blow liberally through the vents. After 2 years dust has likely settled on the heat sinks and caused your fan to be less effective.

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