how to install anniversary update in tablets of 16GB storage

Jan 2, 2014
Hello to everyone.

i have sucessfully installed the update Anniversary of windows 10 x32 to my tablet what i have is an nextbook of 7inches which has 16GB of storage and just if try to update will get the message of not enough space to do the update, in this poost will detail how to do the install without die on the attempt. the time that takes in do the update is about 4-6 hours due the low specs of this tablet, can also be for any tablet that has 16GB storage.

Materials to use list

an empty micro SD card of 32-64GB of capacity, i used an micro sd card of 64GB for this procedure.

i say empty because i have tried use an card with files inside and the tool media creator erased all my files so i do emphasis in this

preparation of the SD card memory

in an card reader in another computer download from the Media tool creator the version of windows 10 that your computer use, and use the SD card to store the version of windows from media tool.

i know many tablets has OTG capabilities but have to keep in mind the following.

if your tablet gets the battery charged via an micro USB connector, then you must use the method of do the upgrade by Micro SD card, since the installation will take 3-6 hours so need keep the tablet powered and plugged to the wall socket all the time , if ran the set up by battery will get no power in no time and will brick your tablet forever, or in the best of the chances will get back automatically to the windows version that had previosuly iunstalled , in any case i do not get responsible by the eventual problems and damages that might suffer your tablet by not follow closely this guide.

another option if your tablet for charge the battery via an adaptor and not use an micro usb port to charge the battery, and your tablet has OTG capability can use an USB flash drive connected via OTG adapter, also, will be slower the process too but is an option, will not cover this since havce not tried this option.
*1st Step should erase all software, everything, UWP apps too and all apps that installed from store or that came installed with windows 10,MSN suite everything just i know is obviosuly say that only windows OS must be kept

*2nd Step
should eliminate all the features and characteristics , on control panel programm and features , go to turn windows features on or off and uncheck everything, will ask to restart so do the reboot, windows will run just fine ., try to do backup if you have things stored in the tablet since we need to erase everything to get the most space to allow that can install windows 10 version without troubles.also run an cleaner for erase temporal files and everything that be using precious space on your tiny storage.

*3rd step
now have to put the card on your micro SD slot , try to do it when your tablet be turned off for avoid damages to the file structure or the same card, once you did this turn on your tablet and log into windows , go to my PC and open the sd card and execute the executable file , that is on there, follow the steps , in one screen will complain that lacks space already and should sellect an external unit with at least 10GB of space free, , select the same SD card ,i know this sound a bit weird since from there will be also the files of media tool, but believe me will work, since we can not use the micro USB connection because we need keep powered the tablet in all the process. since on micro sd card does the copy also of your previous windows version in case of fail the update by any reason will not erase the micro sd card this operation.

*4th step wait the time that will takes the upgrade, and will get installed the new version, in this case as will not be any of your favorite UWP apps there need to download them and install from the store.

i have tried this and in my tablet could update my windows version.without problems, just patience is the key.

best regards
Last edited:

Worked for me on a Tesco Connect 7" with 32GB drive, and 1GB memory,
and on a LINX 1010 10" with 16GB drive and 2GB memory.
Both devices are considered under spec, but both seem to be working fine.
I did have to uninstall the few third party apps and programmes I have, but there is space still to re-install them.

The Anniversary Update has a few nea features, I am told, but already love the fact that the Action Centre alerts me to messages received on my Windows 10 Mobile (Lumia 950XL), including WhatsApp.

Thanks for sharing this method.
Hello to everyone.

i have sucessfully installed the update Anniversary of windows 10 x32 to my tablet what i have is an nextbook of 7inches which has 16GB of storage and just if try to update will get the message of not enough space to do the update, in this poost will detail how to do the install without die on the attempt. the time that takes in do the update is about 4-6 hours due the low specs of this tablet, can also be for any tablet that has 16GB storage.

Materials to use list

an empty micro SD card of 32-64GB of capacity, i used an micro sd card of 64GB for this procedure.

i say empty because i have tried use an card with files inside and the tool media creator erased all my files so i do emphasis in this

preparation of the SD card memory

in an card reader in another computer download from the Media tool creator the version of windows 10 that your computer use, and use the SD card to store the version of windows from media tool.

i know many tablets has OTG capabilities but have to keep in mind the following.

if your tablet gets the battery charged via an micro USB connector, then you must use the method of do the upgrade by Micro SD card, since the installation will take 3-6 hours so need keep the tablet powered and plugged to the wall socket all the time , if ran the set up by battery will get no power in no time and will brick your tablet forever, or in the best of the chances will get back automatically to the windows version that had previosuly iunstalled , in any case i do not get responsible by the eventual problems and damages that might suffer your tablet by not follow closely this guide.

another option if your tablet for charge the battery via an adaptor and not use an micro usb port to charge the battery, and your tablet has OTG capability can use an USB flash drive connected via OTG adapter, also, will be slower the process too but is an option, will not cover this since havce not tried this option.
*1st Step should erase all software, everything, UWP apps too and all apps that installed from store or that came installed with windows 10,MSN suite everything just i know is obviosuly say that only windows OS must be kept

*2nd Step
should eliminate all the features and characteristics , on control panel programm and features , go to turn windows features on or off and uncheck everything, will ask to restart so do the reboot, windows will run just fine ., try to do backup if you have things stored in the tablet since we need to erase everything to get the most space to allow that can install windows 10 version without troubles.also run an cleaner for erase temporal files and everything that be using precious space on your tiny storage.

*3rd step
now have to put the card on your micro SD slot , try to do it when your tablet be turned off for avoid damages to the file structure or the same card, once you did this turn on your tablet and log into windows , go to my PC and open the sd card and execute the executable file , that is on there, follow the steps , in one screen will complain that lacks space already and should sellect an external unit with at least 10GB of space free, , select the same SD card ,i know this sound a bit weird since from there will be also the files of media tool, but believe me will work, since we can not use the micro USB connection because we need keep powered the tablet in all the process. since on micro sd card does the copy also of your previous windows version in case of fail the update by any reason will not erase the micro sd card this operation.

*4th step wait the time that will takes the upgrade, and will get installed the new version, in this case as will not be any of your favorite UWP apps there need to download them and install from the store.

i have tried this and in my tablet could update my windows version.without problems, just patience is the key.

best regards
Thanks for sharing! Cheers

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