Why no love for the Asus T102HA?


New member
Jan 6, 2013
So not wanting to pay the amount for a Surface Pro right now I asked for an Asus T102HA for Christmas. I hadn't actually seen one but from the looks and description on the web it looked like a good replacement for my aged Surface 2 (RT). I'll have to say I'm so impressed with this tablet. It is the right size for a tablet and will do what I need for a desktop on the go. No, it's not as powerful as a Surface Pro (and that is what I will get to replace my main computer when the time comes) but I have quickly fallen for this device The typecover and pen came with the tablet and I got it when the Microsoft Store had them down to $279. I am surprised I hadn't heard more about this machine.
I sent you a post on another forum, but since your here I to have a Surface 2 and have been considering leaving RT and moving to a Win 10 tablet. Unfortunately a lot of reviews I've read seem to indicate the T102ha is really slow due to the Atom processor. How do you think the performance compares with the Surface 2?
I would say it is slightly faster then then the Surface 2. The only negative of this Asus is the screen resolution is only 1280x800 compared to the Surface 2's 1920x1080. So, if that is an issue for you then you probably wouldn't want this one. For the most part though you are going to see a step up for most things from the Surface 2. Considering the amount I paid for the Surface 2 (around $650 with the keyboard) to the $279 I paid (actually my wife paid) for the Asus and it included the keyboard as well as the pen, it really is a great deal. I guess it really boils down to how much you are willing to pay. Obviously the Surface Pro models are going to out perform this Asus but they also will cost over twice the amount. Some of the things I really like about the Asus are the finger print reader that works with Microsoft Hello, The Asus Pen, and obviously the fact that it is running Windows 10 (64 bit) Home with 4gb of RAM where I can add a few of the programs I like to use on a PC as opposed to being limited to the Windows Store for apps. I don't really play games but I did test out Angry Birds Star Wars and it ran just fine. I'm just using the Word and Excel Mobile Apps instead of installing Office. I installed Dopamine Music Player and it takes about twice the time to start up as it does on my i7 laptop.

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