Laptop or Tablet for Mom :)

James Falconer

New member
Nov 1, 2012
Wanted to ask the community for feedback here. My mom needs a new tablet or laptop. For a long time she used her original gen iPad (the thing seems sooooo old now!), but it has stopped working, and we need to update her.

First thing, Mac or PC? (I already know the answer lol)

Second thing, laptop or tablet?

Third thing... which one??? :)
That really depends I think because if she was enjoying her iPad and didn't need anything else, another one might be best.
If she is used to the iPad, and it did the job, I'd probably get a new version.
The sp4 of course! It's the best of both worlds!

It's a little more pricy of course but does provide a lot of options and does both perfectly!
Really depends on what she uses it for.
Laptops are great for more powerful uses, tablets for mobility and most everything else.
That being said, the Meatster is right - the SP4 is the best of both worlds and can handle a lot.
If she's an iPad fan though.......

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Really depends on what she uses it for.
Laptops are great for more powerful uses, tablets for mobility and most everything else.
That being said, the Meatster is right - the SP4 is the best of both worlds and can handle a lot.
If she's an iPad fan though.......

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

Don't say that dirty word... iPad...
Really depends on what she uses it for. <snip> the SP4 is the best of both worlds and can handle a lot.

I use an iPad Mini, and I had a Surface 3. I found that I tended to use the iPad or Android tablet if I wanted a tablet for something. If I needed full Windows for something, I used a laptop or desktop. It turned out that I almost never used the Surface 3. To me, the Windows tablet was the worst of both worlds, not the best. I never really got on with full Windows on a tablet form factor. It would be good though for someone who only has the option of one device.

But in the end, in this case it really does depend on what she uses it for. If she has no use for full Windows capabilities, or if she also has a PC available, the iPad might be a better option, especially if it is what she had and is familiar with it.

I know. I hope I don't get banned.

Is it really that hostile?? :angel:
Late to the party I know but honestly it depends on what you are looking to pay and what size screen she needs/wants. If you are willing to go above 400, might as well go a bit further and get a SP4. You know as well as I do it is the best option out there. And the M3 version is plenty capable. I bought 1 when it was recently on sale at BestBuy including the Alcantera keyboard and it is a great machine. No problems at all with performance with the M3 version. I honestly didn't expect it to perform this good. Having said that, there are some new ones right around the corner.

The other option would be to do both. I bought 3 of those Nuvision 8" tablets from the MS store when they were on sale and I think the thing is amazing. I bought the 64bit version which was on sale for 59 and not 49 and I think it is amazing for the price. Got 1 for my Mother and Father as well. You could get something like that and then a nice 15" or 17" laptop for about 400-500 bucks for when she wasnt something bigger. HP has a few nice ones in that range. You have crazy options.
The biggest question is what is her usage habits? Certainly depends on what she is using the device for and if there's just certain apps or programs she requires.
I think I would get her a Surface Book, I believe she would get a kick out of how well it works, and how fun it is to use. they are on sale; so you can impress, and save some $.
I use an iPad Mini, and I had a Surface 3. I found that I tended to use the iPad or Android tablet if I wanted a tablet for something. If I needed full Windows for something, I used a laptop or desktop. It turned out that I almost never used the Surface 3. To me, the Windows tablet was the worst of both worlds, not the best. I never really got on with full Windows on a tablet form factor. It would be good though for someone who only has the option of one device.

But in the end, in this case it really does depend on what she uses it for. If she has no use for full Windows capabilities, or if she also has a PC available, the iPad might be a better option, especially if it is what she had and is familiar with it.

Is it really that hostile?? :angel:

I had a Surface 3 and now a SP4.
Night and day.

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S
I had a Surface 3 and now a SP4.
Night and day.

Yes I'm sure the SP4 is a big improvement over the S3. But I didn't have performance issues. I just never quite felt the need for full Windows on a tablet. iPads excel at consumption. For full Windows, a laptop or desktop is usually preferable. I felt that both were compromised with a Windows tablet.
Check the Windows Store. I would recommend the NuVision devices (± $89 to $200). The ASUS Transformer Mini looks good also ($300-$400). Now, consider my recommendations would be for a consumer, not a full fledged creator. Tell us her useage habits, then we can truly recommend.
Hmmmmm.... between the choice of a laptop and tablet, I guess I'd go with the laptop. You get access to full desktop applications and more power.
Wanted to ask the community for feedback here. My mom needs a new tablet or laptop. For a long time she used her original gen iPad (the thing seems sooooo old now!), but it has stopped working, and we need to update her.

First thing, Mac or PC? (I already know the answer lol)

Second thing, laptop or tablet?

Third thing... which one??? :)
If she loved her iPad, and she needs something simple, then the MateBook is a great choice. It's lighter and thinner than the Pro 4, not to mention cheaper, yet still has a better screen than the iPad and has the added benefit of running full Windows 10. I'd say it's a great option. I'd get one myself if I didn't already have the more capable Surface Pro 4.

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