How often do you upgrade your hardware?

James Falconer

New member
Nov 1, 2012
How often do you upgrade your tablet or laptop hardware? For me, it seems like I'm on a 3 year cycle (roughly)... I've been very fortunate to have had very little trouble with my hardware (knock on wood)...

How about you?
Laptops? I've only had 2 in my life and the first one lasted me 8 years! The second one I've had about a month already...
Phones are about 1.5-2.5 years. I just wait until it seems I must upgrade...
I've had a tablet for about two years, no intentions of upgrading yet...
Seems pretty reasonable to me. I'm on roughly the same phone update cycle too.

It is weird... some hardware tends to last longer than others. Seems you can get away with 5+ years on a laptop (for some), but for phones... specs and features improving so much, hard to get away with more than 2 years!
I think that's about right. Also, so much of the hardware is overlapping categories (huge phones vs small tablets, large tablets w/ keyboard vs laptop, phone with desktop-like features vs desktop, etc.), people might just upgrade what they need most, regardless of specs, design, or anything else...
I've updated my notebooks around every 5 years. I usually go around 2-3 years with phones.
My laptop is 7 years old and it's still sticking with the same hardware it was born with, so that's pretty good for hardware to last that long!

Phones, I'll usually upgrade every year or year and a half before getting the latest and greatest... or whatever works at the time.
Both of my laptops, an HP and a Macbook, are 2011 models. I bought the HP new and the Macbook used. They are both still going strong. The HP has an overheating issue that seems to be a design flaw. I'm not sure how long until it melts!

I upgrade phones roughly every year.
Phones are usually every 1-2 years somewhere.

Laptops are probably 3-5 somewhere. More depends on any failures etc.
Laptops about 3-4 years
Tablets 2-3 years
Phones about every 3 months on average
Yes....I know I have a problem there. My wife constantly reminds me that "it's just a phone"
I'm using (or I have) a 10 year old HP notebook.
My desktop is running 5 year old internal hardware in an 8 year old case.

So I guess my stuff runs till it totally burns to the ground.
Phones about every 3 months on average
Yes....I know I have a problem there. My wife constantly reminds me that "it's just a phone"

That's what you can tell your wife, "It's just a phone!" :angel:

I think my wife questions my sanity sometimes when it comes to phones.
I just upgraded my laptop for the first time in a really long time. I don't know how long, but the old laptop was running a Core 2 Duo, and worked great with windows 10.. the only reason I upgraded was because the screen hinge was broken for a while and finally started bothering me. Phone typically 1-2 years.
So I guess my stuff runs till it totally burns to the ground.

Same deal here. I used to use programs that would make my laptops burn out a year and a half later. Now that I stopped that and just use my computers for the average Joe stuff, I'm good. Current laptop is newly 2 years old.

Based on my phone update habits, I generally upgrade yearly but that was before I became a chronic switcher last year. I don't know what I am anymore :grincry: I was seeking the "perfect" phone for me.
For me it is when the motherboard dies. Still using a HP dc7900 Core 2 Quad Q9400 as my main desktop at home. It has 16GB of RAM and an SSD. I have an i7 4790 Dell desktop with 16GB of RAM to run VM's and my wife has my 8 year old Dell laptop that I will change for a new one for her this year.

I have a couple of Lenovo Windows 10 tablets 8" and 10". The charging port on 8" one has died so I will be looking for a replacement.

Does anyone recommend a replacement for a Lenovo Miix 2 8?

With the old laptop and the HP desktop I have replaced the hard disks a couple of times.

The old laptop has to be used with an external keyboard and it only has 3GB of RAM.

There is no point upgrading the hard disk in it to an SSD at this point. It would need a 500GB SSD and I would rather put the money towards a new laptop.

At work I use a Dell Latitude E7270 with Windows 10.
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I usually upgrade my tablets every 1.5-2 years. My Yoga Book might break that streak. I'm pretty happy with it. It does everything I need and hasn't slowed down a bit since I got it. In fact, it only seems to be better post Creators update. Considering it's just my tablet, I'm in no need for more CPU/GPU power. I get by just fine with Edge, Office, and Photoshop Elements.

As for my desktop, I usually upgrade parts when I need to. I'm (long) overdue for upgrading my CPU... which means upgrading my motherboard... which means probably upgrading my case. Lol that rabbit hole. I'll probably go Ryzen when I do upgrade.

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