Help me: Surface Pro i5 8gb RAM (2017) VS. Surface Book i5 w/ Dgpu?


New member
Nov 9, 2012
I can get either the Surface Pro (2017) for $1199+100 or the i5 Surface Book (Refurb) for $1199.

I love the SB touchpad and I love the idea of the Dgpu for video editing (not 4K). But i also dislike the hinge a bit (since i don't know how it will hold over time) and the weight.

The choise is between these because i sketch alot for apps, concepts and illustrations.

I've had the SP3 for almost 3 years, love the format but hated the SP3 post windows 10 update. I dig that the new SP is fanless and Kaby Lake equipped. I know it's capable. but....

What do you guys think!??? I have till friday to decide and am curious if anyone has some neat points that i could take in considerations.


Any recommendations?
Surface Pro. The new Pen with tilt only works on that and for best drawing experience, that would be best. Also longer battery life for a flat surface for drawing on. And Kaby Lake.

SB only if you need the Dedicated GPU.

Of course there may be a few initial driver teething issues with new SP as is always the case with every Microsoft hardware product...

SB is cool, but SP more portable which helps.

That's my input. But only you know your needs. SB is desirable though... :)

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