Upgrading from a Bay Trail Atom tablet to a Core M3 tablet worth it?


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Oct 5, 2013
I am currently on a Dell Venue 11 5130 with a Bay Trail Atom Z3770 and 2GB ram. While it serves the purpose of my usage of office suites and web browsing, I could use a little faster tablet. It would stutter if I have more than 5 tabs open on Edge. But there is nothing wrong with this tablet with a plenty of battery life and nothing broken after using if for close to 4 years now.

I am looking at a Dell Latitude 11 5175 tablet with a Core M3 and 4GB of ram. Is this upgrade worth it? Or should I save some more money to get the Core M5 version for around $150 more? My usage is office word, and youtube.
go for core m3.
baytrail struggle because of lack of ram and slow emmc storage instead ssd storage which comes with core m3.
from what I read on web core m3 will offer fine performance for daily user tasks like office,web browsing,video streaming etc.
core m3 will only struggle when you use it for video editing,heavy pc gaming etc.
also look forward to Windows on arm devices this devices runs on snapdrgon 835,promising all day battery life,built in lte,and use UFS storage which is better than slow emmc storage.
I went from an ACER (or is it ASUS) T100 with Atom to Huawei Matebook E with M3. Massive improvement for consumption device.

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