A Dual SIM Lifestyle


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Who uses 2 SIMS regularly?

Why? Is it travel? Work and Personal #'s? Splitting voice and data?

I'm curious to hear what your story is and how it is working out for you if you go Dual SIM.

I'm very seriously looking at going Dual SIM and having voice on one SIM and data on the other from two different providers. Tips, tricks and horror stories welcome.
OK... Nobody?

I'm waiting to see if I get the unlock code for my ATT Nokia Lumia 2520. That makes a difference on what data only SIM I would get. I want to share a data plan and SIM between my phone (incoming Blu Win HD LTE) and the aforementioned tablet.

Here's what it looks like I'll do:

H2O for voice and SMS in slot 2 on the phone. $10 a shot gets me 200 minutes and/or texts and it does not expire for 90 days. I could potentially have voice/SMS for as cheap as $3.35/month on AT&T towers. I honestly don't talk or text that much.

T-Mo has a data SIM with unlimited data and the unused high speed rolls over for up to 12 months (data stash). Plus they give you 10GB in your data stash at sign up... That would be in slot 1 on the phone as it is the same micro size between phone and tablet. 3GB a month for $30. I may even go so low as 1GB/month for $20. BTW - this data is good in the US, Canada and Mexico. Just like with their Phone plans, T-Mo won't charge against your high speed data limit if you stream music from qualified sites.

I could run as low as $23.35 + tax a month. I just need to adjust my habits a bit and take fuller advantage of WiFi.
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I have carried two devices for the past...um, I cant even remember how far back -
One was always a T-Mobile line and I flipped from att to verizon to t-mobile to verizon to cricket.
It was expensive buying all the devices outright, but to me, worth it to keep plans - I had an unlimited VZW data plan - I helped a friend out by doing an AOL for them with the plan and a shared T-Mobile plan which kept me talking to the family for free (OK, I paid the bill, but the calls m-m were free -
just recently - December 2014, I ported to cricket just to see - I mean, att towers with unlimited t/t and 2.5GB data @35 a month was more than half off the verizon plan lol -
I was skeptical to jump to (2) GSM carriers, but, after a few months (and LTE upgrades 92% of the places I travel) it is worth it.
Using the BluHD was a great 'experiment' to the dual sim device world, and I'm sure I'd use a 2-sim device again. Blu handled the handoff without issues and had great battery life, plus for under $45 a month for 2 lines was/is absolutely worth it.

---Just a sidenote to you RumoredNow - T-Mobile has the $3 per month for 30 mins/texts in any combination - you can get a $50 t-mo refill from calling mart or pinzoo (plus they have rewards plans), $0.99 sim deal on TMO dot com and have a year of voice for $52.00 or less....
T-Mobile has the $3 per month for 30 mins/texts in any combination - you can get a $50 t-mo refill from calling mart or pinzoo (plus they have rewards plans), $0.99 sim deal on TMO dot com and have a year of voice for $52.00 or less....

I'll check into that one. Thanks for the tip.
I have a 2 SIM phone.
T-Mobile $30 a month prepaid data in the first slot.
T-Mobile legacy pay as I go in the second slot for voice and simple texting.
The "gentleman" who sold me the 2520 has not paid it off on Next, so no unlock right now. And no response on the issue from him via Swappa.
I'm using a Dual SIM phone in Europe simply because I travel frequently between two countries and lived in both so I've had SIMs in both countries. Since I have the Dual SIM phone it's great as I no longer have to switch devices or carry the both of them.
Other scenarios for Dual SIM like you say is data on one sim, voice/text on the other which could run cheaper, I haven't looked into it myself as I find what I am paying here in Europe is ok (I have pre paid sim so I only need a little top up when I'm using the sim and I keep the number for free)
I haven't fully tested my 640 xl dual sim capabilities out but I did have rok mobile( tmobile mvno) and h20(att mvno) sims in and I was able to use both just fine. I've yet to try and use both simultaneously though.

I could see a major benefit. H20 for example gives you unlimited talk and text for $30 while tmobile gives you unlimited data for $30. That is cheaper combo and far more fuller than most single line plans from any company. You may be able to find them cheaper.
The "gentleman" who sold me the 2520 has not paid it off on Next, so no unlock right now. And no response on the issue from him via Swappa.

Booo!!! How did that make swappa IMEI clearance - I thougth you couldnt list with an outstanding balance?
Booo!!! How did that make swappa IMEI clearance - I thougth you couldnt list with an outstanding balance?

I think he is either still paying, or stopped the moment I bought the thing. So the IMEI was clear when he posted. They only catch you if it is in arrears enough for the carrier to have blacklisted it.

It works on a Straight Talk ATT style SIM (so far), but there just aren't any really cost attractive data only plans that I've found using AT&T towers. I can use my ST SIM, but technically it is a violation of the TOS. I'd hate to get booted for something so stupid. And it's a pain that I have no telephone when using the SIM in the tablet...

I've filed a claim with PayPal for a full refund and if I have to send the 1520 back to the guy, I'll laugh as I package it up. Stupid dirtwad.

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