That's one of important advantages comparing it to competition, you simply don't need to waste your hardware resources and battery by constant running of various antivirus, AntiMalware and AntiSpyWare apps in background ...
Can anyone link to something to corroborate this point of view? I have hears before that this OS is incredibly secure but I can't find anything to back it up currently. A lot of the articles I find don't even include Windows Phone.
There's no antivirus app in the windows store for a reason. Windows phones use the concept of sandboxing which prevents any app to access information from outside the app.
AVG once published an antivirus app in the windows store but it was removed immediately after Microsoft took notice of it and found it fake.
So, don't worry about those thing while you're stuck with windows phones
there has to be potential wp viruses first for it to have antivirus. developers hardly create a decent apps, let alone anyone to spend time to create viruses that affects WPs
Well Windows Phones have Edge and you can browse anywhere on the Internet so why wouldn't infected sites infect the phone?
It is < supposedly > the same Window as on a desktop and can run the same programs --- and it does.
I can see virus writers might not put in the effort because they believe Windows phones are such a small target that it isn't worth their time .... but I think they are wrong.
If you run banking apps a keystroke virus could grab all your information just the same as on a desktop.
If not, if they have figured some MIRACULOUS way to prevent virii from harming Windows Phones why don't they put it in ALL versions of Windows 10?