Lumia 950 vs 950XL?


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Hello everyone!

I just picked up a Lumia 950 but am wondering if I should instead have gone for the Lumia 950XL. I've heard that the 950 can get hot fairly quickly and that there have been some performance hiccups due to the weaker CPU/GPU combination. Plus, the lack of liquid cooling on the 950XL has created some battery life issues related to heat.

Despite those issues, the main reason I went for the 950 is due to price as it was $125 less than the 950XL on offer. I keep my phones for a long time (still rocking the HTC One M7) so this phone will be with me for a long time. Just trying to figure out if I should have gone for the XL or not.

What are your thoughts/opinions on this if you've used both of them? Is the heat a noticeable problem, had any trouble running apps and how does battery life compare? Also, are there any other differences I'm missing that would be noticeable?

Thanks in advance!
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950XL for me since the cost disparity is actually not as great. And because I'm a spec junky.

-- W
How do you like the camera? In the few comparisons I've seen it appears to hold up relatively well to Samsung's S7 which has garnered praise as the phone/camera to beat at the moment.
Even though i had to pay "a bit" more i had no esitations when i went with my Lumia 950XL, it is overall faster having the better snapdragon 810 and Adreno 430 graphics, the battery is bigger and should last more, also i wanted the screen to be as big as possible, the 950's is big too, but since this phones haven't phisical buttons(like i was used on the 930) and you have to sacrifice a bit of screen for the buttons
Nexus??? They both mine data and spy on u. Win does to a lesser degree. To each his own. I had both Lumias and prefer the 950. Screen seemed better.

Favorite win 10 phone is a toss up between m8 (terrible camera) and 1520 (terrible touch issues). I think 1520 wins.

I currently use iOS on an iPhone 6s Plus.

Favorite OS of all time is BB10.

Favorite overall phone probably goes to blackberry passport and 1520.

Waiting for HP to release the x3 and I'm on it day one.

Cheerios!! (I've got a jag now so I am part British).

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