How to convince iPhone and Android users to make the switch?

James Falconer

New member
Nov 1, 2012
Curious. As community manager around these parts, I have almost one of everything. iPhones, Android Phones, Windows Phones, BlackBerry phones, you name it... but from within the Windows Central community, what would you say to an Apple, Android or BlackBerry user looking to switch to Windows Phone? What are the great things you can't get anywhere else? Sound off!
I'd tell them don't get one. I can no longer, in good faith, recommend a Windows phone - any model to any one. It's just too risky now. And how intimately can I know what their usage needs are?
I bailed out to Android a couple months ago to an S7 edge. It's like a whole new level of "turn-the-key" and everything works.
But I DID keep service on my Windows phone so as a Hobby it's GREAT!

Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser :winktongue:
Lumia ICON [Win10M 14977.1000] Sportster :winktongue:
Even when I lose, I win.
A couple of years ago we'd have given it serious thought and dependant on their needs may have given it a recommendation, now I'd say "run, run as fast as you can" and that's no bull - And most people I know are not into the "fix & repair daily" routine either. As for "great things", see nothing WM can provide that will trump the other platforms including camera, Continuum, Windows Hello, and so fourth. If the core structure is flawed then anything that's meant to work with it will be too, but not necessarily for everyone, and that's one of its big quirks, inconsistency.

Although I use it we will NOT recommend it in its present state, and sorry for raining on your parade. :winktongue:
..., and that's one of its big quirks, inconsistency.

Although I use it we will NOT recommend it in its present state, and sorry for raining on your parade. :winktongue:


Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 14977.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.
But I will say when you bail out from Windows Phone, you can get a little homesick. So, like a new home, you might paint a few walls, maybe some wallpaper - I went with wallpaper:

1 S7 edge Full Dresser Windroid Home Screen :winktongue:


Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 14977.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.
But I will say when you bail out from Windows Phone, you can get a little homesick. So, like a new home, you might paint a few walls, maybe some wallpaper - I went with wallpaper:

1 S7 edge Full Dresser Windroid Home Screen :winktongue:

View attachment 132482

Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 14977.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.
Nice wallpaper!😊
My ideas...StandardIzation, simplicity, and security...but who's really trying to convince who here?

Android is the most vastly used mobile OS and you either love it or you don't. I used it for a long time because it was popular, cheap, sometimes free depending what I got it on, and I could not afford apple.

My work gave me my first iPhone 4. It was neat, smooth, and everything had its own place. I could be two more pages explaining what I mean by that in detail, so hopefully you can look holistically at this and know what I mean. You'll find this with windows mobile and iOS. I stopped using Android completely just recently and won't use it again unless it is provided to me or handed down. Granted they're cool to look at and all, but there are other things more important than that. I am fine with tweaking and fixing so i can bare the Windows Mobile in its existence currently. The company I work for will not support anything other than iOS, WP8, W10M, and Blackberry (while its still around) and I can respect that and the reasons why. I don't have anything against Androids but plan to keep using Windows and iOS devices. That's the beauty of having many choices for things we use and depend on. We are not a one glove fits all kind of people anymore. It is a good thing all of them are around.
I'd be sure to point out that Verizon has the best Windows phones....


Seriously, you just can't in good conscience recommend a Windows phone to anyone looking to switch. And that makes me sad.
We seem to forget this is an enthusiast site. Many ordinary folk don't use smartphones like we do. Calls, email, text and social media are what most people routinely do with their phones. To that end, WM10 makes sense plus the added bonus of excellent cameras throughout the price range. I certainly wouldn't recommend Windows to a hard-core power user because the few apps on the platform are crippled compared to iOS or Android. It's bad enough there's an app gap, compounding the problem is the disparity in features compared to the competing platforms.
I believe windows phone is more suitable and could be easily adopted by professionals they will find continuum very productive and will definitely be a go to phone to get the work done. Other than this windows 10 mobile is work in progress and it will take a lot of effort in making a user switch and then stay with it for a considerable amount of time.

rest we all are aware of what WP lacks.
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To me, having a WM phone is comparable to having a Sony Walkman. I don't use it as my go to music player but I like having it around to remind me of better days. I haven't recommended WP to anyone in over a year and can't see doing it again in the next year. Hardware is good to excellent depending on which phone you get; software is far from a finished usable product.
Break their phones, steal all their money, and give them a free Lumia 950XL.

More seriously, the app situation is worse so it would have to come from security, or OS looks and usability. I made a thread discussing OS differences, and while WP stacks up great there aren't any earth shattering differences to make anyone switch to WP.
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What would you say to this Windows Phone user to persuade him to stick with Windows Phone when even this Windows Central app is suddenly broken and not loading anything I've ever commented on? I've said this before: I love the look, feel and function of Windows Phone but I can't buy a 950 or XL from Microsoft UK store, there's no hope of new stock arriving and the 650 can't offer anything different to my old 830 that's becoming increasingly buggy and annoying.
What would you say to this Windows Phone user to persuade him to stick with Windows Phone when even this Windows Central app is suddenly broken and not loading anything I've ever commented on?
I'd tell him the forum is also broken on my iPad. :)
Based on what? Every build has something broken in it and if it does work, the next build will break it.

The apps I do use either disappear from the store after you get an update and do a hard reset (as recommended here) or kill your battery in half a day. There is only one thing about Windows you can depend on, there will be multiple functions that will not work with every new build.

Continuum isn't stable either, to be honest, it's a total pain, that is one thing I was hoping to use more, not happening.
I think you're right had the latest software update notification from Samsung on my Note 4 yesterday. I simply pressed Install without fear of the consequences. It was only then that I realised how worried I'd be about doing the same on the L830. I've just checked to see if everything is working normally on the Windows Central android app. It's not and the app is painfully slow 🐌 while Android Central works perfectly.
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Based on what? Every build has something broken in it and if it does work, the next build will break it.
You could very easily say the same about iOS or Android. Starting with iOS 7.0, every successive build has produced more bugs than the ones fixed by the previous version. Don't even get me started on Android. My G5's battery life has been cut to less than a half day due to Nougat and T-Mobile is sending alerts to G5 customers warning not to update. I got mine 2 days too late.

Windows Mobile isn't perfect, far from it. But to suggest it's the only bug-infested OS is disingenuous at best.

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