HTC One success, Nokia going Android


May 12, 2012
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I read the other day that MSFT gives Nokia 1 BILLION dollars a year to make WP phones. They're not going anywhere.
Sent from my AT&T Cali Blue HTC 8x using Board Express


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Oct 30, 2012
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I had a few jitters when I woke up today morning to read about the possibility of Huawei buying NOkia. I mean FTW Huawei, I don't want anybody to touch Nokia.

Ohh.. how the tables have turned, a few years back Nokia would have bought 2 Huawei sized companies.


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Oct 25, 2012
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I think these Android trolls that want Nokia to make Android phones are really more worried about the traction Nokia is starting to make with WP.


Dec 8, 2012
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Most of the work of the WP8 iteration was the change of the kernel, no many improvements in features. I suspect Microsoft will present a much improved Windows Phone the next year after 15 months of silent work, this will be the last chance for Elop, if they can't take a significant share of the smartphone sales Elop will be fired and Nokia will add Android to their offer.

The support of Microsoft is nice, but if Nokia board think they can earn more adding android, they will do it. Nokia has a lot of potential, an EOS with Android would be a success, even the Lumia 925 would sell a lot more with Android, the HTC One is the prove.

Windows Phone is growing, but is not enough to retain Nokia exclusivity.


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Apr 12, 2013
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I think these Android trolls that want Nokia to make Android phones are really more worried about the traction Nokia is starting to make with WP.

I don't think I'm a troll, for wanting more choices. And, why would we be worried? Nokia gaining traction with Windows Phone doesn't necessarily mean the end of Android. Maybe, us Android "trolls" like competition. If Nokia did start making Android handsets, alongside its Windows Phone lineup, then HTC, Samsung, etc would probably be enticed to up the ante. Just sayin'.


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Nov 5, 2011
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Android users will resort to anything these days to get great Nokia hardware. I guess Samsung doesn't cut anymore.


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Feb 21, 2012
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Android fans realize that Nokia has superior hardware and want to get in on that so they keep talking crap about a Nokia Android phone. It really isn't going to happen anytime soon.

Also, I'll check back on this thread when the next HTC earnings report comes out and looks bad once again.

In Limbo

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Apr 20, 2013
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We can all agree that Android has it's benefits, but as of now, the OS is clearly of no legitimate interest to Nokia. They jumped ship to WP for a reason. They made an exclusive deal with Microsoft for a reason. It clearly saved them from the worse and now that they're picking up in sales and market share again, there would be zero logic in investing outside of WP -- not for the next few years. If all goes as well as it has been, we'll see one amazing OS from Microsoft and Nokia will be making the most of it. Android just doesn't fit the bill; it's a crowded, congested market.


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Nov 3, 2011
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I read the other day that MSFT gives Nokia 1 BILLION dollars a year to make WP phones. They're not going anywhere.

You aren't relying on good sources ;-)

This is what those payments are for:
  • Worldwide licensing rights for Nokia's navigational data, which Microsoft includes and makes freely available via Bing maps. Before MS did that, Bing maps was a complete joke outside of the U.S.
  • Worldwide licensing rights for Nokia Drive, which all other WP OEM's now also have access to. Nokia didn't just give their Nokia Drive app away for free!
  • Compensation for Nokia investing so much time and effort into a fledgling OS, who's existence has yet to be noticed by most consumers. Nokia is helping to build up and market WP, which is theoretically MS' job. This also entails that Nokia focus all of their corporate resources on that goal, which means they stay WP exclusive.


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Jul 4, 2011
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The thread was a prediction. I am not offended by that. No more then all the other predictions that have Nokia as the only WP maker in 2014. Or that BlackBerry will stop making phones and Nokia will adopt BB10. Or that Nokia's back-up plan is actually the old Meego which is now about to launch all new and improved. Or my prediction that the Memphis Grizzlies would be in the NBA finals.

Predict away. Who in the name of Nostradamus knows what it will look like in 12-18 months. But.... Nokia has a ton of good reasons to ride WP. Microsoft has a tin of good reasons to keep Nokia on board.

Does SEEM like a natural, huh?


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Dec 19, 2011
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While I agree with some of your points, I guarantee no high-ranking Nokia exec told them to you.

I'm not naming any names but I asked him about the Lumia 925 and he said its much better than the plasticky GS4. I then asked if there ever is a possibility Nokia will go Droid and thats what he said.


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May 27, 2013
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If Nokia is going for Android, then I'll be forced to use the pricier iPhone.

I can't.. see.. my.. self.. using.. Android.. I found its UI confusing, not straightforward like iOS and WP.


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Mar 1, 2012
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I played Space Invaders with those of which we do not name. They told me Apple was going to allow iOS on other companies' phones. I also was told chicken and waffles does actually make sense.


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Nov 17, 2012
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If Nokia is going for Android, then I'll be forced to use the pricier iPhone.

I can't.. see.. my.. self.. using.. Android.. I found its UI confusing, not straightforward like iOS and WP.

The UI/UX of Android can vary because OEMs change it up so much.

IF Nokia does go to Android in the future, then I will probably follow Nokia because I think they will be able to deliver a great Android skin, like HTC Sense 5.0. HTC Sense 5 is so much better than Samsung's Touchwiz. I wouldn't mind switching to Android if Nokia was the OEM I would be buying from, as long as they can give me a solid UI/UX that's beautiful and intuitive.

Honestly, I'm more of a Nokia fan than I am a Windows Phone fan so yes, I would switch to Android if Nokia did. I'm not saying I don't like WP; I love it! But if Nokia abandons it, so will I. There wouldn't be much reason for me to stay :p

All this is just a "what if." I don't see Nokia leaving WP anytime soon. And that's a good thing, because I believe that WP is about to get a whole lot better in the next year or so.


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Jan 18, 2013
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I doubt Nokia will do Android. And if they do they'll remain a distant player compared to the top three makers. Samsung has built up too much with their Galaxy line, Apple has a good thing going with their iProduct, and it appears Huawei, HTC, and Sony are all burning hard for #3. Each of which have a known product line, and presence in the Android marketplace. Nokia? They'd have to rebuild a brand around a new OS. Remember their switch from Symbian to WP? They won't survive another switch.

Hell... is the HTC One really that much of a success? It certainly kept HTC from going under, but I don't see them suddenly turning the tables on Samsung... not with Sony hot on their heels.


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Jan 23, 2013
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Android makes me evil :p I have a nexus 7 and most of my apps are cracked apps.
Now that Im on WP 8 i had to buy those apps like Asphalt 7,Wheres my water, Angry Birds etc etc.
What Im doing now on my nexus 7 is, I rate the apps on Google play 1 star and leave a review
" if you make this app available on WP 8, then i will buy your apps"

If Nokia goes to Android then I will become a pirate again! So no to android! Go WP!!!
Nov 20, 2012
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Android makes me evil :p I have a nexus 7 and most of my apps are cracked apps.
Now that Im on WP 8 i had to buy those apps like Asphalt 7,Wheres my water, Angry Birds etc etc.
What Im doing now on my nexus 7 is, I rate the apps on Google play 1 star and leave a review
" if you make this app available on WP 8, then i will buy your apps"

If Nokia goes to Android then I will become a pirate again! So no to android! Go WP!!!

Wow. So much is wrong with this post.

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