What's the single most frustrating thing about the Microsoft Band for you?


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Aug 29, 2012
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For me, it's the fact that it's positioned as a fitness device, but you can't really use the touch screen if your hands have sweat. I have to always dry my hands before trying to check anything on it. The next iteration should focus on solving that issue.

Nate Silver

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Dec 14, 2014
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Really not that frustrated about anything with the Band. I guess if I had to pick something, it would be the lack of support for ANT+ sensors. That would make it danged near perfect for me.
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Dec 2, 2014
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For me, it's probably that my step count increases when I am driving. I have to change the way I drive just so my step count doesn't go up, not too happy with that...


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Nov 19, 2012
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For me, it's the fact that it is not waterproof. Most of my exercise and strenuous activities involve being out on the water (Kyaking, Sailboarding, Water Skiing and the like).

I am REALLY confused how they can make waterproof smartphones with open ports and buttons and yet they cannot make a fitness band/smart watch that is waterproof.


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Nov 24, 2014
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I have two major frustrations with the Band that are about equally frustrating. The first is the lack of scratch resistance on the screen and bezel. While I don't mind screen protectors per se, it seems like using a more scratch resistant material would have been a better choice. The second is that the Band is still a bit "wonky." Yesterday, I was eating lunch with a friend. My wife was texting me and I was checking the notifications on the Band and using the keyboard (which is totally awesome!) for brief responses when necessary. I told my friend that the Band was one of the greatest gadgets I own. Then another text came in and while my phone (Nokia 1520 which was in my pocket) dinged, the notification never pushed to the Band. The Band is totally awesome the 95% of the time it works. However, it is frustrating the other 5% of the time (when it loses connection and won't reconnect or notifications don't show up, etc.). The Band is a great product and I love mine and recommend it to everyone!
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Aug 8, 2014
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It was the HR monitor that gave crazy readings while I was at rest, ranging from 72 to 115. I sent it in for warranty after about 10 days. I just received my replacement yesterday and that issue is resolved, ranging from 57 to 64. Now, I suppose my biggest frustration is how easy the screen scratches. I had light scratches showing on my original unit after less than 2 days, so I put a screen protector on the new one as soon as I received it.


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Jan 7, 2013
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Then another text came in and while my phone (Nokia 1520 which was in my pocket) dinged, the notification never pushed to the Band. The Band is totally awesome the 95% of the time it works. However, it is frustrating the other 5% of the time (when it loses connection and won't reconnect or notifications don't show up, etc.).

This is my greatest frustration as well. As soon as a single notification fails to come through to the Band the value of it as smartwatch drops greatly because it means I have to revert to checking my phone to see if I have messages. And if I'm checking my phone then I might as well read and reply to all my messages there.


Aug 2, 2012
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For me, it's the fact that it's positioned as a fitness device, but you can't really use the touch screen if your hands have sweat. I have to always dry my hands before trying to check anything on it. The next iteration should focus on solving that issue.

I am sorry but do you sweat WD-40 lubricant or acid from the creature in the Alien movie franchise? There is absolutely no issue with touching the screen with sweaty hands. The thing may not be water proof but it is water resistant and any moisture on your hands is a fraction what is already in contact with the sensors when sweating.


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Apr 15, 2015
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Names of stored contacts not displaying on phone call notifications and not having the ability to clear notifications on the band individuality. The Clear Notification app works well, but what if I didn't want to clear all notifications.


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Oct 31, 2012
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The guided workouts need to be updated to allow user input, I'd love to make my own routine using the workouts they have on the database; can't imagine it being that hard. Also, perhaps allow the band to store more than one guided workout? It takes forever sometime to go into the appon the phone just to switch the workout (especially with how shi**y the bluetooth on the Lumia 830 is).

Also, guided workout runs don't utilize gps, and that sucks. I like having intervals in my runs, but without the GPS tracking I can't tell my lap times and such. The running app tracks via GPS but it doesn't allow any intervals (run for 5 minuts, jog for 1 min, etc). I'd love to see them combined.


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Aug 29, 2012
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I am sorry but do you sweat WD-40 lubricant or acid from the creature in the Alien movie franchise? There is absolutely no issue with touching the screen with sweaty hands. The thing may not be water proof but it is water resistant and any moisture on your hands is a fraction what is already in contact with the sensors when sweating.

I'm talking about the touch screen, not the other sensors. I was hoping this issue isn't exclusive to me, and now I'm really starting to wonder.. lol


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Oct 16, 2012
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For me, it's probably that my step count increases when I am driving. I have to change the way I drive just so my step count doesn't go up, not too happy with that...
This ^ I often end up with 500-1000 steps driving to work, i wish!
I think the band needs some sort of 'Driving Mode' which can be toggled on. Could also have it silence the notifications (like WP does in driving mode) for safety purposes


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Nov 29, 2012
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I won't say frustrating but I find it odd that it loses track of your heart rate so easily. Like during a work out, I take a break and look and I see it's not a locked heart rate. Often times now too when I end the work out, no 1min , 2min later heart rates are recorded.


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Jan 7, 2013
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I am sorry but do you sweat WD-40 lubricant or acid from the creature in the Alien movie franchise? There is absolutely no issue with touching the screen with sweaty hands. The thing may not be water proof but it is water resistant and any moisture on your hands is a fraction what is already in contact with the sensors when sweating.

I also have the sweat issue, it's my 2nd biggest frustration.

Sam Swancutt

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Dec 16, 2014
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Having to set an alarm every night... would be nice if I could enable it for Mon-Fri.

Also, if it can't detect when to go into sleep mode, allow me to set a "should be in bed by now" time and start sleep mode....

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