Groove won't find all the music on my SD


New member
Sep 26, 2011
It worked fine with my 1520, but with my 950xl, it's not seeing about half of my music. Is there a way to rescan?
I tried that and it still won't find them. It basically stops at 'S' and picks up at 'V'
I got a new 200gb SD card, formatted it in the phone, and copied a bunch of music to the card. Groove is still showing only about the same number of albums. Is there a track limit that it can show? I can play tracks directly from file explorer, but can't play them from Groove.
This is a big deal, because the thing that I was most excited about with this phone was the ability to play FLAC files. I'm almost to the point of looking for a phone that will do this. I don't want to go back to my 1520 because of the ghost touches.
Hello, you are not alone, I've been visiting other threads (search 'Groove SD Card') and adding my two cents, maybe someone from MSFT will see them as this forum does have some visibility. I have this problem w/ the 950XL and the latest Groove using an 128GB SD card. After initial interrogation Groove found my 33K songs, but now will not add new songs in the UI that I have placed on the SD card and internal storage using file manager and via sync from autoplaylists on WMP. It's very annoying. There is no way to kick off a new search for new content that I can find.
I have a 128GB card installed on my 950, with >2100 owned tracks, and >4400 subscription tracks loaded. I haven't seen any limits, yet. I use Explore, as I used in 8.1, to find new music. It's not Zune; but, it all seems to be there, I'm having fun learning, and I'm over-joyed coming from a totally-inadequate 32gb limit on my otherwise-great 1020.

Good luck progressing: Enjoy the learning and enjoy the music.

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